16 May
16 May
7:46 p.m.
Hi, Kristian! On May 09, Kristian Nielsen wrote:
Sergei Golubchik <serg@askmonty.org> writes:
On Apr 27, knielsen@knielsen-hq.org wrote:
Add that slaves set a variable @mariadb_slave_capability to inform the master in a robust way about which events it can, and cannot, handle.
I'm not sure I like the idea of magic user variables. Why wouldn't you create a session server variable @@mariadb_slave_capability?
I'll admit I did not think much about it, I just did it the same way that other replication features are announced by slaves to the master, eg. @master_binlog_checksum or @master_heartbeat_period.
Okay, let's keep it consistent :( Thanks for your replies! Regards, Sergei