Hello, dear MariaDB community!

I am glad to present the design for IO_CACHE's SEQ_READ_APPEND mode
concurrency improvements. Jira task is MDEV-24676.

A student, Vladislav Kakurin, has applied to GSoC for this task, and
has passed, so he will be engaged in implementing it this summer.

The discussion is very important here, since I could make the mistakes,
and Vladislav can miss them, but the success of the task completion
may depend on it. We're hoping to succeed in implementing the multi-producer
till GSoC end.

So please don't hesitate to ask for clarifications.

Note that reader/writer and producer/consumer pairs are used interchangeably
in the text.

The text is attached as PDF, but for the sake of convenient quoting it
is additionally embodied in the email with shrinked markup and no illustrations.

Nikita Malyavin
Software Engineer of MariaDB


A fine-grained concurrent ring buffer mode for IO_CACHE

1. Rationale.

Current implementation of IO_CACHE’s SEQ_READ_APPEND mode behaves
coarsely grained on its write buffer: every read and every write is
protected by append_buffer_lock.

int _my_b_seq_read(IO_CACHE *info, ...) {
  ... // read logic
  return Count ? 1 : 0;

int my_b_append(IO_CACHE *info, ...) {
  ... // append logic

  return 0;

Despite the separate read buffer is read-only, and therefore is
accessed wait-free, the write buffer can have a contention with
medium-sized transactions.

The design described hereafter is going to solve this issue, and an
extension for a parallel multi-producer workflow is additionally

Furthermore, the API extension for multi-producer approach support is
proposed, and the multi-consumerness is discussed.

2. The single-producer, single-consumer case.

The memcpy operations of consumer and producer never overlap, therefore
they can be freed of locks.

  Overflow and emptiness

We cannot begin writing in the area still involved in reading.
Therefore, reader should not update the pointers before it finishes
reading. This means that we should lock in the beginning to atomically
read the data, and in the end, to write the new reader data.

The same for vice-versa, we cannot read from the area still involved
into writing, therefore a read should finish with EMPTY error
(currently _my_b_seq_read just returns 1)

When we reach a “buffer is full” condition, we can flip the read and
write (append) buffers, if we were reading from an append buffer.

Otherwise, the append buffer is flushed.

  The algorithm.

The following pseudocode will describe the single-consumer,
single-producer approach.
It is assumed that reading from the read buffer is handled in the usual

io->total_size and io->read_buffer are considered to be accessed

io_err_t read(IO_CACHE *io, uchar *buffer, size_t sz)
  if (sz > io->total_size)
    return E_IO_EMPTY;

  uchar *read_buffer = io->read_buffer;

  if (io->read_pos points to read_buffer)
    sz_read = read_from_read_buffer(io, buffer, sz);
  buffer += sz_read;
  sz -= sz_read;

  io->total_size -= sz_read;

  if (sz == 0)
    return 0;
  // else copy from append buffer

  // copy the local variables
  uchar *read_pos = io->read_pos;
  uchar *read_buffer = io->read_buffer;
  uchar *append_start_pos = i->append_start_pos;
  uchar *append_size = io->append_size;
  uchar *append_pos = io->append_pos;
  // etc, if needed

  read from append buffer;

  // update the variables
  io->append_size -= sz;
  io->append_start_pos += sz;
  if (i->append_start_pos >= io->append_buf + io->cache_size)
    io->append_start_pos -= io->cache_size;
  io->total_size -= sz;

The first read()’s part tries to read from a read-only buffer.
If it’s empty, it moves the effort to a volatile append buffer.

All the metadata is copied in the first critical section, before the
data copying, to the stack. It is updated back in the second critical
section, after the data copying.

io_err_t write(IO_CACHE *io, uchar *buffer, size_t sz)
  if (append_buffer is full and io->total_size <= io->append_size)
    swap(io->append_buffer, io->read_buffer);
  else flush the append buffer if needed;
  write to disk directly, if the data is too large;

  uchar *write_pos = io->write_pos;

  write to append buffer;

  io->write_pos = new_write_pos;
  io->total_size += sz;

The important note here is that we access io->read_buffer in the
reader’s thread without the lock (the accesses are marked bold).

However this access happens only once in the beginning and is safe:
Only writer changes read_buffer.

The writer can change it only once during one read()
if io->read_buffer is considered reads-only, then it will not flip
again, and continue to be consistent, until io->total_size is changed:
  io->total_size -= sz_read;

Then the lock happens. It should be fine to read from a flipped buffer
on that stage.

3. Multi-producer concurrency

Writes start from io->write_start, which is to update immediately.
Reads are possible only until io->read_end, which is updated, as soon
as writes are finished.

  Medium-grained approach

io->write_start is updated immediately to allow parallel writes.

However, we cannot update io->read_end immediately after this thread’s
write ends, because earlier writes can still be in progress. We should
wait for them i.e. we wait while (io->read_end != local_read_end)

  Algorithm (medium-grained).

Medium-grained approach will modify write() function as follows (the changed lines and locks are bolded):

io_err_t write(IO_CACHE *io, uchar *buffer, size_t sz)
  if (buffer flip of flush is needed)
    wait until all the writes are finished;

  if (append_buffer is full &&
      io->write_total_size <= io->append_size)  
    swap(io->append_buffer, io->read_buffer);
  else flush the append buffer if needed;
  write to disk directly, if the data is too large;

  uchar *local_write_start = io->write_start;

  io->write_total_size += sz;
  io->write_start += sz;
  if (io->write_start > io->append_buffer + io->cache_size)
    io->write_start -= io->cache_size;

  write to append buffer;


  while(local_write_start != io->read_end)
    cond_wait(io->write_event, io->write_event_lock);


  io->read_end = new_read_end;

  io->total_size += sz;

The read function should be modified mostly cosmetically.

  Fine graining.

The writers are still waiting for each other’s finish. The approach
described here defers waiting through helping pattern by introducing
progress slots.

Each time a writer begins progress it allocates a slot in the dedicated
(fixed size) array.

When the writer finishes its job, it checks whether it is the leftmost
one (relative to its read_end value. If it is, it updates read_end for
itself, and for all the consecutive writers already finished.

The slot allocation will be controlled by a semaphore to prevent
overflow. Therefore, only a fixed number of producers can work

The slot array is made of elements of private cache_slot_t structure:

  struct cache_slot_t {
    bool vacant: 1;
    bool finished: 1;
    uint next: size_bits(uint) - 2;
    uint pos;

The slot is acquired whenever a write begins by searching an array cell
with vacant=1. When it’s found, vacant = 0, finished = 0 is set. The
last_slot variable holds the slot index for the latest write. slots[
last_slot].next is set to a new index, and last_slot itself is updated.

The following example demonstrates how the slots work:

|               |      write1      | write2 | write3   |      |
                A                  B        C          D

| vacant=0   | vacant=1 | vacant=0   | vacant=0   |
| finished=0 |          | finished=1 | finished=1 |
| next=2     |          | next=3     | next=?     |
| pos=A      |          | pos=B      | pos=C      |

there were three writes currently running in parallel. write2 and
write3 are finished, but write1 is still running. When it finishes, it
will hop through slot.next while vacant==0 and finished==1 and pos !=
io->write_start. Therefore, read_end will be updated to C if no other
write will begin in parallel.

If another write begins in parallel before write1 finishes, it
allocates slots[1] and sets pos=D. slots[3].next would be set to 1, and
last_slot will be updated from 3 to 1.

The slot run through expected complexity is O(1). The proof for
acquisition is however not that obvious to prove the same, and no
effort was spent for proving it (It’s only obvious that it’s O(slots)).

4. Arbitrary data sources support

The widely spread use-case is pouring from another IO_CACHE source
(like a statement or transaction cache). The operation may require
several consecutive write() calls with an external lock:

  uchar buffer[SIZE];
  while(cache_out is not empty) {
    read(ceche_out, buffer, SIZE);
    write(cache_in, buffer, SIZE);

This case destroys all the parallel design described.
However, let’s make api changes to allow blocks of predicted size be
written in parallel:
  Allocates the slot of a requested size for a writer. Returns new
  slot id.
slot_id_t append_allocate(IO_CAHCE*, size_t block_size);

  Frees the slot and propogates the data to be available for reading
void append_commit(IO_CACHE*, slot_id_t);

These two functions just decompose our write() function:
append_allocate would include the first critical section and
append_commit would include the second one.

The use-case will be changed slightly:
slot_id_t slot = append_allocate(cache_out, append_tell(cache_in));
uchar buffer[SIZE];
while(cache_out is not empty) {
  read(ceche_out, buffer, SIZE);
  write(cache_in, buffer, SIZE);
append_commit(cache_out, slot);

5. Multi-consumerness

We currently have no cases with several readers working in parallel in
SEQ_READ_APPEND mode. It is only used by the replication thread to read
out the log, where it is delegated to a dedicated worker. The first
problem is that parallel readout would require additional coordination
-- the order of event application can be important.

Another problem is that a variable-sized blocks require at least two
consecutive reads if the structure is not known. If the length is
stored, it can be read out with exactly two reads (first reads length,
second reads the body).

The slot allocation strategy can be applied, and api can be added
similar to a new write api:
/** lock the cache and allocate the read slot */
slot_id_t read_allocate_lock(IO_CACHE*);

/** Allocate a read zone of the requested size and unlock the cache */
void read_allocate_unlock(IO_CACHE*, slot_id_t, size_t size);
/** Finish reading; deallocate the read slot */
viod read_commit(IO_CACHE*, slot_id_t);

Reading api needs one function more than writing api -- the allocation
is split on two phases: locking phase (to compute the block length),
and the actual requesting phase.

This approach has several disadvantages:

1. The read buffer access is no longer lock-free
2. read_allocate_lock leaves the IO_CACHE in a locked state, which can
be potentially misused.

Additionally, two SX locks can be used (one for readers and one for
writers) for extra parallelism.