Hello! No decision about this has yet been made. I reviewed the thread and Discourse seems to have most support. 2015-10-21 8:48 GMT+03:00 Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>:
The most important is that people can subscribe to the list without having to create an account. This is the problem with Launchpad.
I checked that it is possible to subscribe and unsubscribe to Google Groups with an email address only - no Google account is required. At the moment I still think that a Google groups is the way to go as that places least maintenance burden on us. I would however also be willing to try self-hosted Discourse if somebody here would volunteer to help maintain a new server, say discourse.mariadb.org. Setup using the Docker images as explained at https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/INSTALL-cloud.md is fairly simple and we can "outsource" the e-mail server nightmares to Mandrill that is free up to 12000 messages per month. There should however be somebody who can commit some time to maintain the server at regular times for years to come, for example install security bugs and take care of backups, distro upgrades etc. Is here 1 or even better 2 persons who would like to volunteer?
However, the problem with the mailing list is not where it is hosted. It is that the majority of development happens off-list!
Related to this, there is now also a #maria-dev channel. This way the #maria channel does not get cluttered with development talk. A lot of talk is also in the Jira and Github issues, and thus there is less mailing list traffic. - Otto