Hi Monty, On 09/23/2013 07:16 PM, Michael Widenius wrote:
"Alexander" == Alexander Barkov <bar@mariadb.org> writes:
Should we allow not '=' padding in our decoder too? (I think it's best to always pad on encoding).
Alexander> Just checked PostgreSQL. They also pad on encode, Alexander> and do not accept non-properly padded values on decode:
How about all the programs that don't padd with '='? There was a list of these in the wiki link you gave me ...
It was a list of various variants of base64 that have existed through the time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64 I believe the modern base64 is associated with: - Char for index 62 = "+" - Char for index 63 = "-" - Pad character = "mandatory" Look at the table. All variants that have "+" and "-" for "Char for index 62" and "Char for index 63" have also "Pad character = mandatory". The only exception is: "Modified Base64 encoding for UTF-7 (RFC 1642, obsoleted)". But it's obsoleted long time ago! For those who wants the ancient modified Base64 for UTF-7, there is a simple workaround: mysql> set @a:='aa'; mysql> select from_base64(rpad(@a,cast(length(@a)/4 as signed)*4,'=')); +----------------------------------------------------------+ | from_base64(rpad(@a,cast(length(@a)/4 as signed)*4,'=')) | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | i | +----------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Regards, Monty