And this one?

2014-10-13 12:37 GMT-03:00 Roberto Spadim <>:
is this one?

2014-10-13 12:21 GMT-03:00 Peter Laursen <>:

I will ask here what we have. But it may never have been released,and it that case we not have it anymore (if not committed to version control).

Including Georg Richter.  Just in case if he remembers something.

-- Peter

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Roberto Spadim <> wrote:
do you have the source of oracle plaintext auth plugin? i want read it

2014-10-13 12:09 GMT-03:00 Peter Laursen <>:
Well .. where will I find it documented how to use it with Oracle-MySQL configured for their LDAP authenticaton setup? The same code that worked with oracles API does not work with the MariaDB API. 

- Peter

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Sergei Golubchik <> wrote:
Hi, Peter!

On Sep 17, Peter Laursen wrote:
> Around ˝ year ago I discussed with some people here (Sergei G and/or Georg
> and/or Wlad) about support for Oracle-style plugins in the MariaDB C-API.
> The plugins include
> 1 Windows authentication plugin
> 2) Clear text plugin.
> At that time I was told that it could be considered 'by end end of this
> year'.
> 1) Windows authentication plugin. Not very important, but Sergei told that
> he had been playing wiht it and it could probably be done in ~1 day.

Yes. Unfortunately because of "not very important" part it gets
postponed over and over.

> 2) This is used by Oracle for setting up LDAP.authentication.  I am very
> well aware that there is criticism of Oracle's implementation.  But this
> does not change the fact hat people use it with servers from Oracle and
> expect clients to work with it. We get request(s) for it almost every week.
> So this is most important (for us).

What about clear text plugin? It is in 5.5 and in 10.0 and, as far as I
remember, always was there. Do you mean it doesn't work for you for some


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Roberto Spadim
Eng. Automação e Controle

Roberto Spadim
Eng. Automação e Controle

Roberto Spadim
Eng. Automação e Controle