Hi, Kristian! On Aug 11, Kristian Nielsen wrote:
+ + if (! defined($option) and $ENV{$option_name}) {
This will prevent an option to be set from an environment variable with the value "0". (Just a remark, I'm not sure if that is a problem or not though.)
Fixed, thanks.
It's a nice cleanup of mtr, and I'm positively surprised how much cleanup you achieved with how little code changes, thanks!
Ok to push.
Thanks. I've found one problem with my patch - many tests were skipped (they didn't fail, though) because skip-innodb was applied globally, and not only for tests without have_innodb.inc mtr has a function that reads the test and all included files, recursively, looking for "include/have_innodb.inc" substring and adds "skip-innodb" only if this substring was not found. Also it looks for pbxt, federated, binlog, etc. Fixed as follows: I've made mtr to support -master.opt and -slave.opt (and simply .opt) files not only for the main test file, but for all included files too. So now include/have_innodb.inc has a completent file include/have_innodb.opt with the --loose-innodb option. Same for pbxt, federated, binlog. It gives the same effect as looking for substrings - any test using innodb gets innodb enabled. I'll push into a staging tree asap. Regards, Sergei