From: Peter Laursen [mailto:peter_laursen@webyog.com] Sent: Mittwoch, 13. April 2011 00:52 To: Vladislav Vaintroub Cc: Kazuhisa Ichikawa; maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net Subject: Re: [Maria-developers] Windows installer MWL#55 finished. Hi Peter, @wlad I came across an issue with the .msi from Oracle. refer: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=60830 In short: if somebody installs a 'n-bit' version and on top of this a 'm-bit' version various inconsistencies happen inside Windows system menus. I concluded that 1) either: a n-bit of a x.y version should refuse to install if a m-bit of same x.y version is installed 2) or: n-bit and m-bit should should identify themselves so that Windows can handle them in parallel. (not only 'MySQL Server 5.5" but "MySQL Server 5.5 - 64 bit" etc.) Is this something you have been considering? We are be doing 2) – installing 32 and 64 bit side-by-side, 64 bit package identifies itself with “x64” suffix -- Peter On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 20:23, Vladislav Vaintroub <wlad@montyprogram.com> wrote: From: Peter Laursen [mailto:peter_laursen@webyog.com] Sent: Mittwoch, 2. März 2011 11:30 To: Vladislav Vaintroub Cc: Kazuhisa Ichikawa; maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net Subject: Re: [Maria-developers] Windows installer MWL#55 finished. It seems that <http://downloads.askmonty.org/mariadb/> http://downloads.askmonty.org/mariadb/ still has the old NSIS-based installer for 5.1.55? – Peter Yes, 5.1 will have the old installer until the end of 5.1’s life. Also, in 5.2/5.3 the new installer is not pushed yet, because it is not yet reviewed. On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 00:46, Vladislav Vaintroub < <mailto:wlad@montyprogram.com> wlad@montyprogram.com> wrote: