Hello. My name is Piotr Jurkiewicz. I am a last year MSc student at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. I already contributed to MySQL InnoDB Memcached plugin. I know it well, from user and developer points of view. I have been using MySQL InnoDB Memcached plugin since half year in a production system I administrate at my university. However, I must admit that quality of this plugin is rather poor. I have run several times into bugs, from the simple ones, like incorrect results of arithmetic operations, to the serious, like crashes of the whole MySQL process. I reported some of these bugs to Oracle and contributed patches fixing them [1] [2]. However, the more I was diving into the plugin code, the more I was realizing that the problem is not only buggy code and insufficient testing. The core mistakes had been made at the very beginning, when plugin architecture was set up. The most prominent result of these mistakes is lack of access security. After connecting to Memcached port, a user has access to all databases and tables exported by the plugin. Fixing this would require complete remodeling of plugin architecture and the way users configure and use it. This is not possible in MySQL, as it would break existing deployments. Therefore, I was very excited, when I saw that porting of InnoDB Memcached plugin is among MariaDB proposed GSoC ideas. This gives a possibility to build the plugin in a proper way. During the last months I have been thinking a lot how this plugin should be structured. I think I worked out a clear concept of that. With the financing from Google I will be able to dedicate sufficient amount of time for its implementation, what should result in fully featured, secure and robust Memcached plugin for MariaDB. You can review current version of my proposal in the Google Melange system: https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/student/google/gsoc2015/... As for now, it is only visible for MariaDB organization members, who are registered in Melange system. On March 27th, after student application deadline, I will make it visible for non-registered users as well and send its copy to this list. I am waiting for your remarks and hints. [1]: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=74874 [2]: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=75864 Piotr