Hi, Sergei ! Thanks for your reply,
The exact thing I want is invoke a method in my plugin from sql_parse.cc.
I want pass some information from sql_parse.cc to methodA in my plugin.
void putData(...);
how do i modify CMakeLists.txt?
Thanks in advance.
2015-03-23 22:32 GMT+09:00 Sergei Golubchik
Hi, kyung!
On Mar 23, kyung nam Kim wrote:
> Dears.
> I'm a newer in maria develper community.
> I'm develping a simple plugin for monitoring.
> If I access from other module to my plugin interface, I wonder how and what
> elements add to CMakeLists.txt.
> for example, My plugin is daemon type and myplugin.h has a definition of
> public methodA.
> I want to use methodA in my plugin from sql/sql_parse.cc .
> I think that information of library is needed at build time. ( -L, -l
> option)
> I don't know how to add that elements to CMakeLists.txt.
> plz,let me know.
I'm not sure I understand.
You want sql_parse.cc to invoke some methodA from your plugin?
But then you plugin won't be a "plugin", because there will not be
possible to "plug" it "in" - the server will not compile without it, so
you can as well hardcode your functionality directly into the server.
May be you want your methodA to invoke some function from sql_parse.cc?