Hi all,
I'm looking to do my GSoC project with MariaDB, specifically the suggestion to "Port the InnoDB memcached interface to MariaDB" on the page
But the project description links to a JIRA bug at
where the author suggests that we support memcached through TCP/UDP instead, with no mention of the InnoDB plugin.
I figure that the InnoDB plugin is more important, since it's a MySQL 5.6 feature, it's widespread in industry, and the lack of a memcache interface is one of only a handful X's for MariaDB on
Additionally, even without TCP/UDP support, one could just code the memcache logic manually anyway, whereas the InnoDB integration is more sophisticated and feature-rich and would be a good selling point for SkySQL.
So I'd like to start working on a proposal. Can any devs weigh in on which aspect of memcache is more desirable for MariaDB? If it sounds likes a good, straightforward GSoC project that nobody else has claimed yet?
Tan Tran