hello Sergeithe modification was made in some replication specific filesrpl_gtid.h & rpl_gtid.ccrohit@ubuntu:/work/mariadb/mariadb/mariadb10$ bzr stmodified:sql/rpl_gtid.ccsql/rpl_gtid.hunknown:mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_x.testThere are a lot of targets being rebuild.1. stroage*perfschemaariaxtradb2. handlers3. sql coreitem*and many others. I have attached the build output here.
Also tokud fails to build since its not -werror safe, so i had to build without it.here is the cmake commandcmake -DWITHOUT_TOKUDB=1Hope it helps.Rohit.--On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:17 AM, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:Hi, Rohit!
Please explain in details what you have changed and what is being built
On Mar 16, Rohit Kalhans wrote:
> hello all,
> I am trying to fix a few bugs but ever after small modifications in
> specific files, make command build all targets irrespective of whether or
> not they are dependent on the modified source. I am no expert in build
> commands but this seem off since it keeps taking exceptionally long time to
> build.
> Is there a trick/workaround that can prevent all targets from being built.
> Or am I missing something.
that you think shouldn't be.
cmake is usually pretty good in tracking dependencies.