"Kristian" == Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> writes:
Kristian> Arjen Lentz <arjen@openquery.com> writes:
Which other external libraries are currently still embedded into the source tree?
Kristian> These are the ones I know of: Kristian> zlib Kristian> libedit Kristian> libreadline Kristian> yassl Kristian> libevent Kristian> I think most (all?) of them have a ./configure option to use the system one Kristian> instead of the bundled one. Kristian> I guess the main problem with boost is the sheer size. The largest of the Kristian> above is yassl, with 182 files and <2 MB total size. Of the above, the following should be easy to remove: zlib libedit libreadline yassl is patched (or will be patched) libevent is probably patched; If not, it shouldn't be here. Regards, Monty