"Arjen" == Arjen Lentz <arjen@openquery.com> writes:
Later we can consider if we want to have 'mariadb-min, mariadb and mariadb-max' versions that have different compilation/configure options.
Arjen> I don't think that makes sense. Since in 5.1 they're pluggable, we can Arjen> later on just build them as a pluggable and people can INSTALL PLUGIN Arjen> if they need the particular component. No need for different builds, Arjen> that's just confusing (and a heck of a lot more -unnecessary- work) on Arjen> the build end. There is still resons to have different builds: - It's easier to disable large features, for example geometrical objects, replication, mathematical functions by using defines than doing plugins. - From a distribution point of view, it's good to have a smaller distribution with only the critically needed plugins. But I agree, a plugin system where people could easily download plugins and get them automaticly installed would be preferable for those cases where it's possible. Regards, Monty