Hi, Alexey! On Jul 24, Alexey Botchkov wrote:
Hi, SerG.
The code in sql/sql_plugin.cc function read_maria_plugin_info()
sym= dlsym(plugin_dl->handle, maria_plugin_declarations_sym); ... if (plugin_dl->mariaversion != MARIA_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION) { ... if ((sym= dlsym(plugin_dl->handle, maria_sizeof_st_plugin_sym))) sizeof_st_plugin= *(int *)sym; ... if (sizeof_st_plugin != sizeof(st_mysql_plugin)) { ... sym= cur; } } plugin_dl->plugins= (struct st_maria_plugin *)sym;
So that when we enter the first 'if' but not the second (sizeof_st_plugin == sizeof(st_mysql_plugin) the sym still points at the maria_sizeof_st_plugin_sym which makes a bad st_maria_plugin pointer.
I think it's a bug, isn't it?
Agree, it's a bug. Regards, Sergei