Hi Georg, *c)*Also I will be modifying the execute method for Serverside prepared statements for sending the *new params bound flag* properly.
Currently it is always going as 0x01 but will modify it to send 0x00 if same statement gets executed again
-> Sending 0 iIf the stmt gets executed again may end up in sending wrong data (in case *BindParameter* was called between last and current execution). so you should set a flag in BindParameter and unset it after execute. Just a quick clarification, when we say BindParameter, the only thing that comes is class *ParameterHolder* All the TypeParameter classes extend from these e.g IntParameter. So now I can set the *new params bound flag* inside the ParameterHolder. Please let me know if its ok? Initially I was thinking to set in MYSQLPreparedStatement and check if the same statement gets executed again. Regards Puneet. On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 10:59 PM, Georg Richter <holzboote@googlemail.com> wrote:
*c)*Also I will be modifying the execute method for Serverside prepared statements for sending the *new params bound flag* properly.
Currently it is always going as 0x01 but will modify it to send 0x00 if same statement gets executed again
Sending 0 iIf the stmt gets executed again may end up in sending wrong data (in case BindParameter was called between last and current execution). so you should set a flag in BindParameter and unset it after execute.