Hi Everyone. Test case class(ServersidePreparedStatementTest.java) was written for checking the value of statement id. This week code review was done by Massimo and Georg. There pointers were really valuable as data was not being send in a proper format to the server for execute(com_stmt_execute) method : 1.NullBitMap was set incorrectly. 2.Creation of a new class extending PacketOuptutStream e.g integer of 4 bytes can be sent.Currently if an integer is sent it is sent as a byte. 3.Also I was expecting when we do a *prepare* for a statement like insert into XYZ(id) values(?) where id is of type Integer. Then server shall be returning integer as a type. This was a false assumption.It does not return the type. So now on the basis of value set for *id as example*,decide on the type to be sent from execute. So this week will fix the above things. Looking forward for suggestions. Regards Puneet.