I want to add support for this or sponsor it - if it is really true that this is not possible with the current c API. I have been told to do: SELECT x FROM x WHERE id IN (?, ?); Where the content of the parenthesis are not dynamic. Rather than going at it brute force on my own, which is my tendency, I want to hear what other developers think and if someone, perhaps a core dev, wants to, I would like to sponsor it. Sorry for the short email. It's late here in Japan. I have been thinking about this for months. Until now I have been using all sorts of work-arounds, but I think that dealing with the core issue will be a better use of my time/resources. More experienced developers may state reasons why this is not possible. Though as you may be able to tell, I can see how it could work. Of course I may be not seeing how everyone else is doing it. From what I can tell (lots code grepping, asking on mailing lists), noone in doing it. In my opinion, that is a shame. Because an, AFAICT, an IN clause means one disk read. The application I am working on make extensive use of IN clauses for reading many records in one call. Some may call this an micro-optimization. If that is really so, please show me that thousands of individual calls to a prepared statement like: SELECT x FROM x WHERE id = x; is as efficient as one call to: SELECT x FROM x WHERE id IN (x, x, x, ...); Background: I am using APR Util and have asked a few people about this and it boils down to the underlying drivers not supporting it. I would ultimately like to code a solution for pgsql as well. Mariadb is where I would like to start however. Then add support for it in APR. Suggesting I use sprintf to create dynamic queries means that I need to write my own sprintf, because as you know, va_arg etc. An array is actually dynamic - not va_arg - reading from file etc. Please feel free to tell me I am stupid, suggest efficient alternatives, tell me that it is actually supported (point me to the docs), etc. SSDs and such are great. Though, I still think it is a shame to be that lazy. No, I do not think the world will overheat because of our lazy programming. I have to throw that in there with the current political climate. No pun intended. ;) Thanks, Simon PS I do not work for any stock trading companies. The project I am working on is opensource. I just want to engineer something very nice.