Performance_schema tables can be updated though ...

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 13:12 , Kristian Nielsen wrote:

Giuseppe Maxia <> writes:

If performance is an issue that prevents writing to the gtid table, perhaps
a INFORMATIOn_SCHEMA table would do the trick? (Having the state of

Yes, that sounds easy to do. Something like information_schema.gtid_pos, which
has one row per domain_id, giving GTID and other metadata. That sounds like a
very good idea.

I'll add it to the list of ToDos (but no promises that this will be done
within the next 1-2 weeks, I'm feeling a bit overloaded currently).

I do not think information_schema tables are updatable, else this would also
be a very nice way to expose a flexible interface for manipulating the
@@gtid_pos string in a nice per-gtid manner.

- Kristian.