Hi, This week - Had a meeting with Robert about further actions regarding GSoC and discussed expectations for the end of the month. - Started extending the tests to include all combinations of engine + library. let %TEST_MATRIX = { "connect" => ("bzip2", ), "innodb" => ("bzip2", "lz4", "lzma", "lzo", "snappy" ), "mroonga" => ( "lz4", "zstd"), "rocksdb" => ("bzip2", "lz4", "lz4hc", "snappy", "zstd") }; - Started writing a HOWTO about adding a new compression library in sql/compression/HOWTO. - Finished the first draft of the ZStd service. Since ZStd and RocksDB are both written by Facebook, RocksDB makes extensive use of the ZStd functions. RocksDB also compiles with different sets of functions depending on the compile time version of ZStd, so we need to decide on a minimum version number and enforce it while loading the library. Next week - Finish the implementation for ZStd. - Continue writing the HOWTO file. - Update the old service implementations. - Continue replicating the implementation for other libraries. Thanks, Kartik