Some person claimed here around one week ago that MariaDB would not run as service after "mysqld --install". I replied that it worked for me - but it does not with the latest stable version 5.2.3 (it did with the 5.2.3 RC) (so my apology to this person!) Windows console output: C:\maria52\bin>sc delete maria52 [SC] DeleteService LYKKEDES C:\maria52\bin>mysqld --install maria52 Service successfully installed. C:\maria52\bin>net start maria52 Tjenesten maria52 starter... Tjenesten maria52 kunne ikke startes. Der opstod en systemfejl. Systemfejlen 1067 opstod. (From Danish --> service could not start --> the system error 1067 occurred) I have tried with both old datadir and the empty one shipped with mariaDB and also my old my.ini as well as a fresh one. Also I tried to add --defaults-dir to the registry (just in case I had overlooked a my.ini copy in C:\ or C:\Windows) and adding doublequotes key manually like "C:\maria52\bin\mysqld" --defaults-file="C:\maria52\my.ini" maria52 I double checked there are no conflicts wit all settings. The command "C:\maria52\bin\mysqld" --defaults-file="C:\maria52\my.ini" .. starts the server (also when --defaults-file is omitted) .. but not as a service of course. Was it tested with the 5.2.3 GA release that it will run as a Windows service? The RC worked as a charm - but the GA will not. Any idea? (I am using Win7, 64 bit, Home Premium) Peter (Webyog)