Hi! I would like to propose a new feature in the MariaDB client-server protocol<https://mariadb.com/kb/en/clientserver-protocol>: application-layer redirection of client connections. We want the MariaDB server to be able to tell clients connecting to it, “Sorry, this server is unavailable. Connect to an alternate server instead.” This mechanism is inspired by HTTP 302 (“temporary redirect”) mechanism familiar to all developers of web applications, and is intended to have similar semantics and security properties, since these have now been widely deployed and tested for decades. I have submitted a minimal but viable implementation of this at: * https://github.com/MariaDB/server/pull/2681, server-side implementation * https://github.com/mariadb-corporation/mariadb-connector-c/pull/226, MariaDB Connector/C implementation I am seeking advice and opinions on these, and will proceed to finalize this in the following 1-2 months. In its current form, this implementation allows the MariaDB server administrator to set two variables: * SET GLOBAL SERVER_REDIRECT_MODE={ON,OFF} (the default is OFF) * SET GLOBAL SERVER_REDIRECT_TARGET='my-new-server.example.com' (or, or new-server.com:3308, etc) When SERVER_REDIRECT_MODE is set to on, the server will stop accepting new TCP-based connections (unless they are to the extra port<https://mariadb.com/kb/en/thread-pool-in-mariadb/#configuring-the-extra-port>, which is intended for emergency administrative use), and it will instead respond to all clients with an error packet<https://mariadb.com/kb/en/err_packet/>: $ mariadb --host my-server.example.com ERROR 4189 (HY000): |Server is redirecting clients to 'my-new-server.example.com:3307'|my-new-server.example.com:3307 When an appropriately-updated client receives this error packet (error code 4196, message formatted as |Human readable message|<value of SERVER_REDIRECT_TARGET>), it will parse the redirection target out from the error message and attempt a new connection: $ updated-mariadb --host my-server.example.com -e 'select @@hostname' Got server redirect to 'my-new-server.example.com' (port 3307) +---------------------------+ | @@hostname | +---------------------------+ | my-new-server.example.com | +---------------------------+ The feature is gracefully backwards-compatible. Old clients that do not support redirection will fail and show the message in a form from which humans can deduce what happened. New clients that do support it will follow it to the new server. The feature is also designed to be extensible in a forwards-compatible way. The SERVER_REDIRECT_MODE system variable could be expanded to support additional redirection modes. For example, it could be augmented to redirect new connections only from specific IP subnets, or to direct the client to interpret the SERVER_REDIRECT_TARGET variable in a new form (such as a<https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/8.0/en/connector-j-reference-jdbc-url-format.html> JDBC-compatible mysql:// URL<https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/8.0/en/connector-j-reference-jdbc-url-format.html> as proposed in MDEV-15935<https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-15935>). While researching and designing this connection redirection mechanism, I discovered or rediscovered a couple of major TLS-related security vulnerabilities in the MariaDB Connector/C client [1, 2]. These vulnerabilities affect all MariaDB users who care about the confidentiality and authenticity of their client/server connections, and they become even more severe if a connection redirection mechanism exists — because this entails the client trusting the server to send it instructions for creating a new network connection. Unless these are resolved, any connection redirection mechanism will be susceptible to hijacking and redirection to an attacker-controlled server even if the client thinks it is using TLS/SSL. What are the use cases for this connection redirection feature? Even in this simple, initial form, the feature is already useful for database administrators who want to gracefully shut down a MariaDB server (for example, to upgrade it), and to redirect new client connections to a replica or alternate server that can accept the traffic. Server-side connection redirection can be combined with existing MariaDB server features, such as SET GLOBAL READ_ONLY=ON and KILLing of idle or long-running connections, in order to build a full switchover solution for shunting traffic from one server to another as gracefully as possible. Currently, MariaDB database administrators tend to use proxies and wrappers (such as HikariCP) to redirect client connections from one MariaDB server to another. Supporting this redirection mechanism directly in the server, and in the client-server protocol, will allow many simple use cases of redirection without extra software, making MariaDB easier and simpler to manage for minimal downtime situations. Please post on this mailing list what you think about this suggestion. I am looking forward to polishing this feature and submitting it in a form that meets the quality requirements for new features from MariaDB core developers. Thank you! Daniel Lenski Amazon RDS MySQL/MariaDB engine team --- Notes on TLS vulnerabilities in MariaDB Connector/C: [1] CONC-648<https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/CONC-648>, reported by me on 5 June: when a Connector/C-based client is using connections secured by TLS/SSL, Connector/C will nevertheless receive plain-text, unencrypted error packets prior to the TLS handshake, and present them to the client in a way that’s indistinguishable from TLS-protected error packets sent by the server after the TLS handshake. This longstanding vulnerability is a consequence of the tangled and unsystematic way that the Connector/C codebase interleaves the MariaDB application-layer authentication protocol with the transport-layer security protocol. My standalone mariadb-connector-c PR#223<https://github.com/mariadb-corporation/mariadb-connector-c/pull/223> fixes the most straightforward manifestation of this vulnerability. Until this issue is resolved in Connector/C, it will be trivial for MITM attackers to inject plaintext connection redirection packets into MariaDB client/server connections, and thereby redirect clients to attacker-controlled servers despite those clients’ intention to use only TLS-secured connections. [2] MDEV-28634<https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-28634>, reported almost 3 years ago by Geoff Montee: Connector/C clients which specify --ssl without --ssl-verify-server-cert will allow their connections to be silently downgraded to unencrypted, plaintext connections. This vulnerability can be used by on-path attackers to trivially downgrade most MariaDB client-server connections from TLS-encrypted to plaintext. My standalone mariadb-connector-c PR#224<https://github.com/mariadb-corporation/mariadb-connector-c/pull/224> fixes this. It is a backwards-incompatible change in that clients which specify --ssl (and thus clearly expect TLS-secured connections) will no longer succeed in connecting to servers which don’t support TLS. This should be considered a good thing: MariaDB Connector/C-based clients have been misleading their users about whether their connections are guaranteed to be encrypted, and will no longer do so. Essentially all software that purports to secure network connections with TLS have implemented similar changes, most of it about a decade ago when the pervasiveness of such attacks<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_surveillance_disclosures_(2013%E2%80%93present)> (by ISPs, censors, intelligenceagencies, etc) became very widely-known.