Hi, Holyfoot! So, does that mean you've managed to reproduce the bug? Or you just found a possible cause for such a behavior and fixed it? On Apr 05, holyfoot@askmonty.org wrote:
revno: 3145 revision-id: holyfoot@askmonty.org-20120405082116-w4xqjil2adoq12r3 parent: sergii@pisem.net-20120404134150-6bonhsdqyrxjhku5 committer: Alexey Botchkov <holyfoot@askmonty.org> branch nick: mdev80 timestamp: Thu 2012-04-05 13:21:16 +0500 message: MDEV-80 Memory engine table full at much less than max_heap_table_size with btree index. RB-tree index in the MEMORY table fails if it grews over 4G. That happened because the old_allocated variable in hp_rb_write_key() had the uint type. Changed with the 'size_t' type to be same as the 'rb_tree.allocated'.
per-file comments: storage/heap/hp_write.c MDEV-80 Memory engine table full at much less than max_heap_table_size with btree index. uint->size_t for the 'old_allocated'.
Regards, Sergei