Hi, Aleksey! On Aug 30, Aleksey Midenkov wrote:
Hi Sergei!
Updated bb-10.7-midenok-MDEV-22166 is d4668e7254c6
I'll look right after replying to this email.
Okay, indeed, it seems that DBUG_EVALUATE_IF is almost always used with one of the arguments being 0 or 1. If you replace all DBUG_EVALUATE_IF's, let's just remove it completely. Note, that DBUG_TRUE_IF can be defined simply as
#define DBUG_TRUE_IF(keyword) _db_keyword_(0, (keyword), 1)
so may be you'd like to call id DBUG_KEYWORD_IF or something? Although DBUG_TRUE_IF is shorter :)
It turned out DBUG_IF() is even more short! ;)
We have a series of IF_xxx(A,B) macros, IF_PARTITIONING, IF_WIN, etc. IF_DBUG(A,B) expands to A if dbug is compiled in, otherwise into B. having IF_DBUG(A,B) and DBUG_IF(keyword) might be confusing.
diff --git a/sql/sql_partition.cc b/sql/sql_partition.cc index 85d880cbbb4..4172a61812e 100644 --- a/sql/sql_partition.cc +++ b/sql/sql_partition.cc
Renamed this error code and ugly ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS Changed the message.
Unfortunatey ER_xxx constants are generally part of the API, client applications do if (mysql_errno() == ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS) ... so renaming cannot be done lightly. Only if really unavoidable and then with a compatibility fallback, like we have now in mysql.h: #define ER_WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED #define WARN_PLUGIN_DELETE_BUILTIN ER_PLUGIN_DELETE_BUILTIN #define ER_FK_DUP_NAME ER_DUP_CONSTRAINT_NAME ...
goto err; }
Regards, Sergei VP of MariaDB Server Engineering and security@mariadb.org