2014-02-04 Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>:
As a first step I suggest that MariaDB would create a new BuildBot instance 'kvm-deb-trusty-amd64' which builds for every commit it pulls from https://github.com/ottok/mariadb-5.5.git
I can try to find time to setup this, but I will need an exact list of the commands that should be run. Basically, you need to provide a script that can be run in a clean VM and does what you want the buildbot to do. It doesn't have to be fancy, but it needs to be complete so that it is clear what needs to be done.
Here is what I do on my home heater (very handy now during winter times): http://labs.seravo.fi/~otto/mariadb-repo/build.sh On your clean VM maybe this should be enough: gbp-clone --pristine-tar git://github.com/ottok/mariadb-5.5.git OR if you don't want to re-download all the time, then just doing a fetch and trigger a build if there are new commits with: git fetch origin if [ -n "$(git log HEAD..origin/master --oneline)" ]; then -> build The actual build part can be: gbp-pull --pristine-tar --force # takes in also the pristine-tar branch latest updates, force takes care of my potential git rebase action resolving git-buildpackage --git-pristine-tar # will eventually run dpkg-buildbackage just like debina/autobake.sh now does, no pbuilder is used with this plain command
And while you are at it, please also consider setting up an instance 'kvm-deb-sid-pbuilder-amd64' that provides a Debian unstable
Daniel, can you prepare new sets of VMs for Ubuntu trusty and Debian sid? Then I can try to setup Buildbot to do these builds.
With pbuilder the commands are same as above expect for: git-buildpackage --git-pristine-tar --git-notify=false --git-pbuilder --git-dist=sid --git-arch=amd64 Note that pbuilder will create a chroot, so it does not really need to be run inside a clean VM, it will semi-create one itself (but it does not hurt running it within a Debian unstable VM). In the VM that runs plain git-buildpackage the build depends need to be installed before, like you do with the other VMs now too.
Does this sound like a good plan?
I think so. It is not clear to me who can do what, but the plan is good.