Hi, Andrei! On Sep 21, andrei.elkin@pp.inet.fi wrote:
Please, make it
BINLOG CONCAT(@binlog_fragment_0, @binlog_fragment_1)
that'll work with no questions asked, everybody understands what it means. The parser doesn't need to accept an arbitrary expression here, it'd be simpler and safer to hard-code the syntax as above.
after some struggling with the parser I "succumbed" to chose
BINLOG DEFRAGMENT(@binlog_fragment_0, @binlog_fragment_1)
Parser was too cruel on me thinking of
as a function_call_generic to conduct all those actions. And while BINLOG CONCAT(...) remained working, an ordinary SET @var=CONCAT(...) errored out wit wrong syntax.
Nope, function_call_generic won't work there. I'll be too, well, generic, and you don't want to allow an arbitrary expression there, do you? Make it very specific: BUNLOG_SYM CONCAT_SYN '(' '@' ident_or_text ',' '@' ident_or_text ')' Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org