I think I am near done with dividing the buffer pool into the number of nodes available in a NUMA machine. There is one thing left to do - to check for the presence of 'libnuma' library in the server. As of now I have explicitly defined HAVE_LIBNUMA in the CMakeList.txt to check my code. Also, to test whether the control of execution reaches within a function A, I tried to print out a message on the scree like 'fprintf(stderr, In function A);' This seems to work in main(), my_init(), sys_var_init() etc, but not in buf0buf.cc. The function which creates the buffer pool is called by 'buf_pool_init()', which is called by 'innobase_start_on_create_for_mysql()', which in turn is called by 'innobase_init()', but I couldn't find where an d how is this function called. Seems like the output to bot stdout and stderr is being redirected somewhere and I can't find where (in code). Having this printing stuff is a quick way of testing the flow of control and although my code is working, I would like to know about this redirections if someone can tell me. Also, which part of code calls the 'innobase_init()' function ? I have attached a screenshot of the server running on my NUMA emulated pc with and without --numa-interleave=all. [ PID - 21016 without NUMA, PID - 21058 with NUMA] At present it just ALLOCATES a buffer pool instance on each numa node. Need to work on specific node binding and stuff.