Hi Alexey, Consider this: select * from json_table( '{"a":[1,2]}', '$' columns ( jsn_path json path '$.a' default '{}' on empty ) ) as tt; MySQL produces: +----------+ | jsn_path | +----------+ | [1, 2] | +----------+ MariaDB produces: +----------+ | jsn_path | +----------+ | NULL | +----------+ As far as I understand, MySQL is extending the standard here. The standard specifies that one can extract JSON subdocuments with "FORMAT JSON" syntax: <JSON table formatted column definition> ::= <column name> <data type> FORMAT <JSON representation> [ PATH <JSON table column path specification> ] as opposed to regular: <JSON table regular column definition> ::= <column name> <data type> [ PATH <JSON table column path specification> ] OracleDB accepts FORMAT JSON clause: https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/functions092.htm#SQLRF56973 select * from json_table( '{"a":[1,2]}', '$' columns ( jsn_path varchar(100) format json path '$.a' ) ) as tt; produces the same output as MySQL does. I think, MariaDB's current behavior - produce NULL when path points to a JSON sub-document, produce invalid JSON when the path points to a constant - is not acceptable. I'm fine if we just disable this and return ER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED. Alternatively, we could return JSON subdocuments like MySQL does. What do you think? BR Sergei -- Sergei Petrunia, Software Developer MariaDB Corporation | Skype: sergefp | Blog: http://petrunia.net