Hi! I noticed that the autopkgtests on Debian on armhf and armel that run the mariadb-test-run fail on error: starting mysql-test-tun.pl... Logging: ./mysql-test-run.pl --force --testcase-timeout=120 --suite-timeout=540 --retry=3 -- ... Collecting tests... Installing system database... Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at lib/My/SysInfo.pm line 166. Logs for full context: https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/unstable/armel/m/mariadb/33870767/log... https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/unstable/armhf/m/mariadb/33870768/log... This line 166 in mysql-test/lib/My/SysInfo.pm has: # Return the number of cpus found sub num_cpus { my ($self)= @_; return int(@{$self->{cpus}}) or confess "INTERNAL ERROR: No cpus in list"; } Can somebody with strong Perl skills help me understand 1) Where this cpus array is inherited from? 2) Why might it have now regressed in MariaDB 10.11.3 and why is this erroring only on armel/armhf but not other architectures? 3) What should I do wrap this section in so that if cpus is not set, it would just default to '1'? - Otto