OK .. we will check this again.But in principle we want (always) not to have any external dependencies in our prorams/apllications at at all. We link statically everything to the extend possible. People should download and install SQlyog with a single click and it will just work. PERIOD! :-) That is what Windows users expect from an installer. How do we accomplish this with the MariaDB API? Compile it as a .lib/.dll and bundle it with our installer and let the installer copy it into the installation directory? Or should what you describe here happen at compile-time (linking statically)? Also please remember that SQLyog is a Windows program and our compiler is Visual Studio (2010 version, currently).Maybe you can provide *Windowssand Visual Studio pecific* guidelines?.Also (BTW) 1- 1½ years ago I asked similar questions and the only reply I had was (very abstractly) that MariaDB's mplementation was far superior to Oracle's. I was actually *despearately* asking for help at that time. The reply ("we are the best") was very little helpful and we have already lost significant business due to this.Anyway, I wili ask our developer team to recover as much information as possible due to this.-- PeterOn Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:Hi, Peter!
On Oct 13, Peter Laursen wrote:
> Well .. where will I find it documented how to use it with Oracle-MySQL
> configured for their LDAP authenticaton setup? The same code that worked
> with oracles API does not work with the MariaDB API.
There's only one difference that comes to my mind.
Oracle-MySQL cleartext plugin is integral part of the client library,
it's statically compiled into it. In MariaDB it's a separate plugin -
which is loaded automatically on demand, but you still need to make sure
you set the plugin-dir path correctly.
There's nothing else I can think of, our test suite verifies that
cleartext plugin exists and that it actually works, so I don't think
we've broken it somehow.