
The most up to date documentation for MaxScale can be found on the develop branch on GitHub: https://github.com/mariadb-corporation/MaxScale/blob/develop/Documentation/Documentation-Contents.md

I suggest using that rather than the PDF documentation since it's a lot more easy to use.

The filter interface can be found in the server/include/filter.h file. All filters must implement these functions for them to work with MaxScale.

The filters are located in the server/modules/filter folder. The best way to get a hang of the filters is to take a look at one and the regexfilter and qlafilter are the ones that show the filter interface in action without having much code in them.

Other useful stuff to look at can be found in the server/include folder are buffer.h(MaxScale uses these to route queries though it), modutils.h(useful functions for SQL handling), housekeeper.h(for tasks that take a long time this can be used) and hashtable.h(a generic hashtable).

All of the MaxScale team works around UTC+1. For quick questions ask them on #maxscale on Freenode but email will most likely be answered as fast as IRC.


Hello guys,

As per the official list
<https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/google-summer-of-code-2015/> of projects
by MariaDB, I'm interested in the project - MaxScale filter to capture
incoming operations for consumption in external sources ( Mentor : Markus
Makela )

*I've 3 requests/doubts : *

0.I've downloaded the MaxScale code from github
<https://github.com/mariadb-corporation/MaxScale> and have read the
It says the filter configuration file is : MaxScale.ini
I didn't find this file in the codebase.

Nor was I able to figure out the code-location related to the "filter"

1.Kindly suggest for the further things I should do/try.

Shall I install MariaDB & MaxScale?
What part of code-base should I look into & play around?

2.What is the UTC time when most of you guys are online on IRC-channel

Since I'm from India, I need to know the time when most of you guys are
online to get immediate help on IRC.

Thanks in advance.

Lokesh Walase
Markus Mäkelä, Software Engineer
MariaDB Corporation
t: +358 40 7740484 | Skype: markus.j.makela