Hi, The documentation at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/innodb-system-variables/#innodb_log_file_mmap says this is supposed to be enabled by default on Linux, regardless of the architecture. However, in my testing it is not available on all architectures. Can somebody help me read the code path of innodb-log-file-mmap to figure out why the visibility/availability of this option it is currently architecture-dependent? ## Context In Debian I maintain an extra test called "configuration-trace" which basically dumps the output of these four commands into a file: /usr/bin/mariadb --print-defaults /usr/bin/mariadb --verbose --help /usr/sbin/mariadbd --print-defaults /usr/sbin/mariadbd --verbose --help Then, using the static file containing the text output of these files, it compares to the output of these commands on a running system to detect if the MariaDB defaults or features randomly changed (for example due to changes in dependencies or platform). This "configuration-trace" is also a handy way to detect what changed upstream in minor MariaDB releases, which aren't supposed to have much changes. The update of the static text output files for MariaDB 11.4.4 were done in https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-server/-/commit/e2851fcfca9e88... and they show among others a new variable innodb-log-file-mmap ## Problem The issues I am running into is that this new innodb-log-file-mmap only seems to exist on amd64 and arm64? I discovered this in the Debian CI system (autpkgtests) at https://ci.debian.net/packages/m/mariadb/ which is passing for amd64/arm64/ppc64el, but failing on other platforms: https://ci.debian.net/packages/m/mariadb/unstable/armel/55869348/ https://ci.debian.net/packages/m/mariadb/unstable/armhf/55869349/ https://ci.debian.net/packages/m/mariadb/unstable/i386/55869350/ https://ci.debian.net/packages/m/mariadb/unstable/loong64/55869351/ https://ci.debian.net/packages/m/mariadb/unstable/s390x/55869354/ (The output also shows that mariadbd --verbose --help prints out wsrep-provider twice, once wsrep-provider=ON and once wsrep-provider=none, but that is a different issue.) On systems where it isn't available, shouldn't the option still show up (but as permanently disabled)? It seems odd to have system variables appear or disappear depending on the Linux architecture.