Hello mariaDB developers! I am a participant of GSOC 2020 mentored by Nikita Malyavin and Sergey Golubchik. Currently I am working on mysqltest parser improvements and I have a question to discuss with everyone: To be short: Currently there are expressions in if and while to be calculated i.e if(<expr>) code But it is written using switch and works only in condition block. Code like: let $a= 1 + 2 Makes $a = "1 + 2" Obviously mysqltest syntax needs proper expressions thats why I decided to make them. There are following questions: What syntax do you want to see? let $a = 1 + 2 $a = 3 Is a bad idea because we will break lots of previous taest cases. let $a = $((1 + 2)) That is done in a bash style, so it seems to be more comfortable to everyone. Another question is what operators should be in expressions? To begin with I want to implement: +, -. *, /, ++, --, <, >, ==, != To implement expressions I want to use Byson to make it easier to rewrite parser if needed I would be glad to read feedback and critique. ------------------------------ GSOC2020 participant Balashenko Igor