Otto, Can you please provide the diagnostic information I asked for? I do not have the time to set up my own identical environment. -- Cheers, Leif On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Otto Kekäläinen <otto@seravo.fi> wrote:
This error rings a faint bell, but I believe it was a problem with my toolchain, not a bug in the code or build system. There are also sometimes dependency problems with cmake that building with -j1 can fix.
Can you reproduce it multiple times in a row with the same configured build directory? Can you reproduce it without using parallel make?
If both of those are true, can you build again with VERBOSE=1 and post the log, as well as objdump the symbols defined in libtokuportability_static.a? I am a bit short on time here. Do you Leif have access to a Debian unstable instance or could you install one on your laptop as a virtual machine so you could do the above? Also when you have isolated the issue, can you write a small patch I can apply on top of 5.5.38 so
Today the virtual Debian unstable machine that runs the buildbot builds for Debian unstable was upgraded and a manual re-build triggered with the result that it now failed: http://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/builders/debpkg-sid/builds/27/steps/co... This pretty much confirms that some newer version of some cmake or TokuDB or whatever dependency caused the issue. 2014-07-09 17:47 GMT+03:00 Leif Walsh <leif.walsh@gmail.com>: that I can upload it without disabling TokuDB? The Debian build is extensively documented at https://github.com/ottok/mariadb-5.5/blob/master/debian/README.Maintainer and alternatively you can just launch the debian/autobuild.sh script. Also the build bot configs include step-by-step build commands.