Hello! I'm Pablo, from Mexico. Before going into detail, I wanna give a bit of background: I am a master's student, pursuing a degree on Scientific Computing in Korea. My program is 3 years long, and I'm at the middle of the first one. The reason why I think I have skills that will be useful for MariaDB is that before being a master's student, I was working for Oracle during 2 years, committing into the Oracle executable, so I have experience testing, coding and working inside a database executable. Specifically, I was working on the DBMS_SCHEDULER package. Although I am interested in software development, I am more interested in data analysis. That's why I switched from computer science to scientific computing, and that's why the project that interests me the most is the one called "Statistically optimize mysql-test runs by running less tests". I am very excited by the idea of using data to try to test more smartly. If it was not possible to participate in the latter project, I would also be interested to work on adding support for "OR REPLACE, CREATE IF NOT EXISTS and DROP IF EXISTS". Depending on your feedback, I can get to work on a proposal for either one of the two projects. I'd be very happy to be able to participate in GSoC with MariaDB. Regards Pablo