2014-12-21 23:52 GMT+02:00 Daniel Black <daniel.black@openquery.com>:
I recently updated my build scripts to automatically generate a file listing for each commit in in the Debian packaging "pool" I have.
Here is a recent one: http://labs.seravo.fi/~otto/mariadb-repo/mariadb-10.0-sid-amd64/filelist-ec0...
It is now very easy to review and track what files are in what package.
Is this still the plan? https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MySQL/WhichPackage
No. Actually I never noticed such a page exists, thanks for spotting it! I added a comment to the page that it is legacy.
Could somebody please quickly review that file and tell me if you spot: - any files in wrong package and should be moved?
mariadb-client-10.0 has mysqldumpslow and its manpage along with a lot of other execs scheduled for mysql-server-utils
Didn't check the rest of the WhichPackage plan since it didn't seem to be done.
As the WhichPackage is legacy, there is at the moment no actual plan for mysql-5.6 or mariadb-10.0 to split into a server-utils package.
- any package that has too few files and maybe something missing?
doesn't seem to contain any .h files or mariadb_config/mysql_config
These files are in the package https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev/filelist I however don't know how compatible these different libraries are and what headers are needed by what. In a comment to https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-5482 I asked George Richter to see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=770650 and comment how compatible mariadb_config and mysql_config are, but I haven't got any reply yet. Maybe I should simply make the libmariadbd-dev package to have "Depends: libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev"?
lrwxrwxrwx root/root ./usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/mysql-test-run lrwxrwxrwx root/root ./usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/mtr
Not sure why these aren't in /usr/bin
Maybe mtr must be run in a top-level directory in relation to the test files? It's guess this is ok now.