Thanks for the pointer!

On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 5:35 PM, Sergei Golubchik <> wrote:
Hi, Rich!

On Apr 05, Rich Prohaska wrote:
> i am interested in writing upgrade tests.  we fixed a bug in our storage
> engine that executed some upgrade code for tables created in a prior
> version of our software.  i would like to test this bug fix by running the
> new software on a data directory from the prior release.  any suggestions
> on how to approach this?
> thanks

To run that once, you can use --extern switch of the mtr,
although I'd expect that many tests wouldn't work with it.

But generally the tests like yours are done in mysql-test by having the
old data files in the std_data directory and copying them into the
datadir in the test file. See, for example, the test for BUG#36055 in
the repair.test file.
