Hi, Peter! On Feb 09, Peter Laursen wrote:
I don't know if the MariaDB people have this priority, but inplementing CHECK CONSTRAINTS always was an omission in MySQL. You may specify such currently in CREATE/ALTER TABLE. but it is silently ignored.
Right. Strangely enough it was not in Jira. I've added it now - https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-7563 Not much content there, the main point is "as in (or close to) SQL Standard". We'll add more content later. Thanks for brining this up! But in the context of this email thread - I feel it's too complex for a GSoC task, it's not something I'd offer a student to do. May be later, when I'll have a good understanding of all implementation steps, I realize that it's not as complex as it looks on the first glance :) Regards, Sergei