Sanja, On 12/27/2016 09:39 PM, Oleksandr Byelkin wrote:
Hi, Alexander!
It is OK to push after fixing in the comment of the patch mysql_list_fields with mysqld_list_fields (IMHO it is server function do not set type etc.)
Thanks for review! I fixed the comment. But then I realized that it's a good idea to add tests for other field types (e.g. DECIMAL, DATETIME, ENUM), and found that my fix was slightly incomplete: Item_ident_for_show::Item_ident_for_show() should copy not only collation from the field, but the entire Type_std_attributes (i.e. unsigned_flag, decimals and max_length). So I also fixed this, with some additional minor changes to avoid code duplication. This is an updated version. Please have a look. Thanks!
On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 4:46 PM, Alexander Barkov <bar@mariadb.org <mailto:bar@mariadb.org>> wrote:
Hello Sanja,
Can you please review a patch for MDEV-11672?