Hi Kentoku, Cheng, alright, I will apply as soon as I have license clarification from Cheng: https://github.com/MariaDB/server/pull/61 Thanks, Sergey On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 01:06:36PM +0900, kentoku wrote:
Hi Sergey, Cheng!
Thanks to Cheng for making the patch!
This patch looks good. Kentoku, will you take care of it and apply to your tree? Or should we apply it directly to 10.0?
Please apply it directly to 10.0 this time.
Thanks, Kentoku
2015-11-09 19:15 GMT+09:00 Sergey Vojtovich <svoj@mariadb.org>:
Hi Kentoku, Cheng!
This patch looks good. Kentoku, will you take care of it and apply to your tree? Or should we apply it directly to 10.0?
Thanks, Sergey
On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 07:58:41PM +0800, chengxiaoz wrote:
Hi kentoku and Sergey,
Please review mypatch for MDEV-8140. https://github.com/MariaDB/server/pull/61