Hello Jerome, On 02/21/2017 07:18 PM, jerome brauge wrote:
Hello Alexander, I've done this patch for MDEV-10598. Can you review it ?
It seems we'll have to postpone this patch. I'm currently working on: MDEV-10598 Variable declarations can go after cursor declarations MDEV-12011 sql_mode=ORACLE: cursor%ROWTYPE in variable declarations So the trick with postponing variable declarations using a temporary list might not work properly after adding MDEV-10598 abd MDEV-12011, the order of cursors and variables is important. Example: DECLARE CURSOR cur1 IS SELECT a,b FROM t1; v cur1%ROWTYPE; CURSOR cur2 IS SELECT v.a, v.b FROM DUAL; BEGIN ... END; So the order of cur1, v and cur2 is important. I'll let you known when I'm ready with %ROWTYPE tasks. Thanks!
Regards, Jérôme.