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September 2024
- 9 participants
- 14 discussions
I am in the early stages of a project to hopefully implement a new binlog
format that is managed transactionally by InnoDB. This is a complex change,
and I want to solicit comments early, so I encourage feedback.
The TLDR; of this:
- The current binlog format stores events separately from InnoDB. This
requires a complex and _very_ constly 2-phase commit protocol between the
binlog and InnoDB for every commit.
- The binlog format is rather naive, and not well suited as a
high-performance transactional log. It exposes internal implementation
detail to the slaves, and its flat-file nature makes it inflexible to
read (for example finding the last event sequential start from the
start). Replacing it with something new has the potential to reap many
- This project proposes to extend the storage engine API to allow an engine
to implement binlog storage. It will be implemented in InnoDB so that
binlog events are stored in InnoDB tablespaces, and the standard InnoDB
transactional and recovery mechanisms are used to provide crash safety
and optionally durability.
- This mechanism will allow full crash-recovery and consistency without any
fsync per commit (--innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=0), providing huge
improvement in throughput for applications that do not require strict
durability requirements. And it will reduce fsync requirement to one per
commit for durable config, with greatly improved opportunities for group
Below a long and somewhat raw write-up of my current state of design. There
was some interest expressed in learning more about this work, an interest
that I'm very pleased with ;-).
The current state of my prototype implementation is available in the branch
Architectural considerations.
The fundamental problem with the binlog is that it functions as a
transactional log, but it is separate from the InnoDB transactional log.
This is very unoptimal. To ensure consistency in case of crash, a two-phase
commit protocol is needed that requires two fsync per commit, which is very
costly in terms of performance. And it causes a lot of complexity in the
code as well. We should make it so that there is only a single transactional
log ("single source of truth") used, at least for the case where only a
single storage engine is used (eg. InnoDB) for all tables.
Some different options for doing this can be considered (explained in detail
1. Implement a new binlog format that is stored in a new InnoDB tablespace
type (or more generally in any storage engine that implements the
appropriate new API for binlog).
2. Keep the current binlog format, extend the InnoDB redo log format with
write-ahead records for binlog writes. Integrate binlog writes with InnoDB
checkpointing and buffer pool flush.
3. Store the binlog events directly inside the InnoDB redo log. Implement
log archiving of the InnoDB log to preserve old binlog data as long as
4. (Mentioned only for completeness): Implement a general redo log facility
on the server level, and change both InnoDB and binlog to use that facility.
I am currently working on option (1), inspired by talks I had with Marko
Mäkelä at the MariaDB fest last Autumn. He suggested that a new type of
tablespace be added to InnoDB which would hold the binlog, and explained
that this would require relative small changes in the InnoDB code.
I think this is the best option. The InnoDB log and tablespace
implementation is very mature, it is very good to be able to re-use it for
the binlog. The integration into InnoDB looks to be very clean, and all the
existing infrastructure for log write, recovery, checkpointing, buffer pool
can be re-used directly. All the low-level detail of how the binlog is
stored on disk can be handled efficiently inside the InnoDB code.
This option will require a lot of changes in the binlog and replication
code, which is the main cost of choosing this option. I have a _lot_ of
experience with the MariaDB replication code, and I think this is feasible.
And I think there are another set of huge benefits possible from
implementing a new binlog format. The existing binlog format is very naive
and neither very flexible, nor well suited as a high-performance
transactional log. So changing the binlog format is something that should be
done eventually anyway.
Option (2) would also be feasible I think, and has the advantage of needing
less changes to the replication code. Monty mentioned seeing a patch that
sounded something like this. The main disadvantage is that I think this will
require complex interaction between low-level InnoDB checkpointing code and
low-level binlog writing code, which I fear will eventually lead to complex
code that will be hard to maintain and will stiffle further innovation on
either side. It also doesn't address the other problems with the current
binlog format. To me, letting the storage engine control how it stores data
transactionally - including the binlog events - is the "right" solution, and
worth persuing over a quicker hack that tries to avoid changing code.
Option (3) is also interesting. The idea would be that the binlog becomes
identical to the InnoDB redo log, storing the binlog data interleaved with
the InnoDB log records. This is conceptually simpler than options (1) and
(2), in the sense that we don't have to first write-ahead-log a record for
modifying binlog data, and then later write the actual data modification to
a separate tablespace/file.
But the InnoDB log is cyclic, and old data is overwritten as the log LSN
wraps over the end. Thus, this option (3) will require implementing log
archiving in InnoDB, which I am not sure how much work will be required.
Either the binlog data could be archived by copying out asynchroneously to
persistent binlog files, which becomes somewhat similar to option (1) or (2)
then perhaps. Or InnoDB could be changed to create a new log file at
wrap-over, renaming the old one to archive it, though this will leave the
binlog data somewhat "dilluted", mixed up with InnoDB internal redo records.
One pragmatic reason I've chosen option (1) over this option (3) for now is
that I am more comfortable with doing large changes to replication code than
to InnoDB code. Also, option (3) would more drastically change the way users
can work with the binlog files, as a large amount of the most recent data
would be sitting inside the InnoDB redo log and not in dedicated binlog
files, unlike options (1) and (2). Still, option (3) is an interesting idea
and has the potential to reduce the write amplification that will occur from
(1) and (2). So I'm eager to hear any suggestions around this.
Option (4) I mention only for completeness. Somehow, the "clean" way to
handle transactional logging would be if the server layer provides a general
logging service, and all the components would then use this for logging.
InnoDB and the binlog, but also all the other logs or log-like things we
have, eg. Aria, DDL log, partitioning, etc.
However, I don't think it makes sense to try to discard the whole InnoDB
write-ahead logging code and replace it with some new implementation done on
the server level. And I'm not even sure it makes sense from a theoretical
point of view - somehow, the logging method used is intrinsically a property
of the storage engine; it seems dubious if a general server-level log
facility could be designed that would be optimal for both InnoDB and
RocksDB, for example.
High-level design.
Introduce a new option --binlog-storage-engine=innodb. Extend the storage
engine API with the option for an engine to provide a binlog implementation,
supported by InnoDB initially. Initially the option cannot be changed
When --binlog-storage-engine=innodb, the binlog files will use a different
format, stored as a new type of InnoDB tablespace. It should support that
the old part of the binlog is the legacy format and the new is the InnoDB
format, to facilitate migrations. Maybe also support going back again,
though this is less critical initially.
A goal is to clean up some of the unnecessary complexity of the legacy
binlog format. The old format will be supported for the foreseeable future,
so the new format can break backwards compatibility. For example, the name
of binlog files will be fixed, binlog-<NNNNNN>.ibb, so each file can be
identified solely by its number NNNNNN. The option to decide the directory
in which to store the binlog files should be supported though.
I think we can require the slaves to use GTID when
--binlog-storage-engine=innodb is enabled on the master. This way we can
avoid exposing slaves to internal implementation details of the binlog, and
the slaves no longer need to update the file at every commit.
We should also be able to get rid of the Format_description_log_event and
the Rotate_log_event at the start of every binlog file, so that the slave
can view the events from the master as one linear stream and not care about
how the data is split into separate binlog files on the master.
The binlog format will be page based. This will allow pre-allocating the
binlog files and efficiently writing them page by page. And it will be
possible to access the files without scanning them sequentially from the
start; eg. we can find the last event by reading the last page of the file,
binary-searching for the last used page if the binlog file is partially
The GTID indexes can be stored inside the same tablespace as the binlog data
(eg. at the end of the tablespace), avoiding the need for a separate index
file. GTID index design is still mostly TBD, but I think it can be
implemented so that indexes are updated transactionally as part of the
InnoDB commit and no separate crash recovery of GTID indexes is needed.
With GTID indexes being guaranteed available, we can use them to obtain the
GTID state at the start of each binlog file, and avoid the need for the
Gtid_list_log_event at the start of the binlog.
With a page-based log with extensible format, metadata can be added to the
binlog that is only used on the master without having to introduce new
replication events that are not relevant to the replication on the slave.
This can be used eg. to eliminate the Binlog_checkpoint_log_event, for
example. Possibly the binlog checkpoint mechanism can be completely avoided
for the --binlog-storage-engine=innodb case, since there is no more 2-phase
commit needed in the common case of an InnoDB-only transaction.
The existing binlog checksum and encryption will no longer be used, instead
the standard InnoDB checksums and encryption will be reused.
Implementation plan.
The storage engine API must be extended to provide a facilities for writing
to the binlog and for reading from the binlog. The design of the API is TBD,
should be discussed to try to make it generic and suitable for other engines
than InnoDB.
When writing to binlog in InnoDB, the central idea is to use the same
mini-transaction (mtr) that marks the transaction as committed in InnoDB.
This is what makes the binlog data guaranteed consistent with the InnoDB
table data without the need for two-phase commit.
The initial version I think can use the existing binlog group commit
framework; this will simplify the implementation. This will thus keep the
LOCK_commit_ordered and the queue_for_group_commit() mechanisms. Later work
can then be to see if this can be even further improved in terms of
I want to implement that large event groups can be split into multiple
chunks in the binlog that no longer need to be consecutive. The final chunk
will be the one that contains the GTID and marks the event group binlogged;
this final chunk will then refer back to the other parts. This way, a large
transactions can be binlogged without stalling the writing of other
(smaller) transactions in parallel, which is a bottleneck in the legacy
binlog. And it avoids problems with exceeding the maximum size of an mtr.
In the first version, I think the binlog reader in the dump thread will
collect and concatenate the different chunks before sending them to the
slave, so simplify the initial implementation. But a later change could
allow the slave to receive the different chunks interleaved between
different event groups. This can even eventually allow the slave to
speculatively execute events even before the transaction has committed on
the master, to potentially reduce slave lag to less than the time of even a
single transaction; this would be a generalisation of the
--binlog-alter-two-phase feature.
The binlog will be stored in separate tablespace files, each of size
--max-binlog-size. The binlog files will be pre-allocated by a background
thread. Since event groups can spill over to the next file, each file can be
a fixed size, and hopefully also the rotate events will no longer be
A busy server will quickly cycle through tablespace files, and we want to
avoid "using up" a new tablespace ID for each file (InnoDB tablespace IDs
are limited to 2**32 and are not reused). Two system tablespace IDs will be
reserved for the binlog, and new binlog files will alternate between them.
This way, the currently written binlog can be active while the previous one
is being flushed to disk and the remaining writes checkpointed. Once the
previous log has been flushed completely, its tablespace ID can be re-used
for the next, pre-allocated binlog file and be ready for becoming active.
This way, the switching to the next binlog file should be able to occur
seamlessly, without any stalls, as long as page flushing can keep up. The
flushing of binlog pages will be prioritised, to avoid stalling binlog
writes, to free up buffer pool pages that can be used more efficiently than
holding binlog data, and to quickly make the binlog files readable from
outside the server (eg. with mysqlbinlog).
The binlog dump thread that reads from the binlog and sends the data to
slaves will use a binlog reading API implemented in InnoDB. I will prefer to
read directly from the binlog files, in order to reduce pressure on the
InnoDB buffer pool etc. A slave that connects from an old position back in
time may need to read a lot of old data from the binlogs; there is little
value in loading this data into the buffer pool, evicting other more useful
pages. The reader can lookup in the InnoDB buffer pool with the
BUF_GET_IF_IN_POOL flag. This way, the data can be accessed from the buffer
pool if it is present. If not present, we can be sure that the data will be
in the data file, and can read it from the file directly. If the data is
known to be already flushed to disk before the specific binlog position,
then the buffer pool lookup can be skipped altogether.
The mysqlbinlog program will need to be extended somehow to be able to read
from an InnoDB tablespace (or in general other storage engine). I think this
means mysqlbinlog needs some kind of engine plugin facility for reading
binlog. Note that the -read-from-remote-server option will also be available
to read data from a mysqlbinlog that doesn't the new format, or to read the
very newest data before it gets written to disk.
Final words.
This is still an early draft of the feature, as it is being worked on and
refined; things are subject to change. And this also means that things are
*open* to change, according to any suggestions with a good rationale.
Hello I wonder if anyone can help me out for this case
I'm trying to build an encryption plugin for mariaDB and I built this
I managed to compile it, but I'm running into an issue when I'm trying to use encrypted option
MariaDB [test]> CREATE TABLE test_encrypted (id INT PRIMARY KEY, sensitive_data VARCHAR(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB ENCRYPTED=YES;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server during query
ERROR 2006 (HY000): Server has gone away
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
Connection id: 31
Current database: test
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server during query
so if anyone can help me out to figure out what is wrong and should I correct or consider would be very much appreciated.
Hello I wonder if anyone can help me out for this case
I'm trying to build an encryption plugin for mariaDB and I built this
I managed to compile it, but I'm running into an issue when I'm trying to use encrypted option
MariaDB [test]> CREATE TABLE test_encrypted (id INT PRIMARY KEY, sensitive_data VARCHAR(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB ENCRYPTED=YES;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server during query
ERROR 2006 (HY000): Server has gone away
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
Connection id: 31
Current database: test
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to server during query
so if anyone can help me out to figure out what is wrong and should I correct or consider would be very much appreciated.

Re: [PATCH] MDEV-32014 Rename binlog cache temporary file to binlog file for large transaction
by Kristian Nielsen 10 Sep '24
by Kristian Nielsen 10 Sep '24
10 Sep '24
> From: Libing Song <anders.slb(a)>
> Description
> ===========
> When a transaction commits, it copies the binlog events from
> binlog cache to binlog file. Very large transactions
> (eg. gigabytes) can stall other transactions for a long time
> because the data is copied while holding LOCK_log, which blocks
> other commits from binlogging.
Hi Libing Song,
Here is my full review of the patch for MDEV-32014 Rename binlog cache
temporary file to binlog file for large transaction.
First let me say that thanks, reviewing this patch was a pleasant surprise.
The binlog code that you are integrating this new feature in is complex to
work with, but overall I think you have managed to do it a pretty clean way.
That is great work, and I think a lot of effort must have gone into getting
it this way. I have a number of comments and requests for changes below, so
I wanted to give this overall good impression up-front.
Also thanks to Brandon for doing first review. My apologies if I am
repeating something already discussed, but Github pull request reviews of
non-trivial patches are almost impossible to read, with reviews being split
in fragments, patches disappearing after force-pushes, etc.
The root cause for the problem being addressed by the patch is a fundamental
limitation in the current binlog format. It requires all transactions to be
binlogged as a single event group, using consecutive bytes in a single
binlog file. Thus, while writing the large transaction to the binlog during
commit, all other transaction commits will have to wait before they can
Eventually, we should move towards an enhanced binlog format that doesn't
have this limitation, so that transactions can be partially binlogged during
execution, avoiding this bottlenect. There are a number of other problems
caused by this limitation that are not addressed by this patch. Changing the
binlog format is a complex task not easily done, so this patch should be
seen as a temporary solution to one specific bottleneck, until if/when this
underlying limitation can hopefully be removed.
First some overall comments:
As Brandon also remarked, the name "binlog_free_flush" does not describe the
feature very clearly. I would suggest to use the term "rotate" in the name,
as the concept of binlog rotation is well known in MariaDB replication, and
the patch effectively performs large commits by doing it as a binlog
rotation instead of a simple write to the existing binlog file.
So I suggest to name the option --binlog-commit-by-rotate-threshold. And I
suggest in the code (names and comments) to use the phrase
"rotate_by_commit" instead of "free_flush".
The patch enables the feature by default, with a threshold of 128MB.
We need to consider if that is appropriate, or if the feature should be
disabled by default.
Reasons for disabling by default:
- The feature causes some binlog files to be cut short of the configured
--max-binlog-size, which will be a surprise to users.
- The feature adds an overhead of 4096 pre-allocated bytes at the start of
every trx cache (though the overhead is minimal).
- A default of 128MB is somewhat arbitrary.
- Releasing this feature disabled by default is somewhat less risky wrt.
regressions for users that upgrade.
Reasons to enable by default:
- Most users will otherwise not know the feature exists, and will thus not
benefit from this work.
- It will get much less testing "in the wild".
So the decision will be a compromise between these two. If I had to make the
choice, I would default to this feature being disabled. But I'm open to hear
opinions the other way.
The patch calls the trx_group_commit_leader() function. That is ackward, as
commit-by-rotate does not actually participate in group commit. But the
problem is with the existing function trx_group_commit_leader(), which does
too much in a single function.
So please do a small refactoring of trx_group_commit_leader() and keep only
the first part of that function that fetches the group commit queue. Move
the second part to a new function trx_group_commit_with_engines() that is
called by trx_group_commit_leader() passing the "queue" and "last_in_queue"
values. And assert in trx_group_commit_with_engines() that LOCK_log is held
on entry and comment that this function will release the lock.
Then you can from your Binlog_free_flush::commit() function call into
trx_group_commit_with_engines() directly, avoiding the need for adding a
true/false flag, and also avoiding that the trx_group_commit_leader()
function is sometimes called with LOCK_log held and sometimes not.
Same situation with MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_transaction_to_binlog_events(),
this function is also doing too much and makes integrating your code
Please refactor the MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_transaction_to_binlog_events()
function something like this:
MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_transaction_to_binlog_events(group_commit_entry *entry)
if (binlog_commit_by_rotate.should_commit_by_rotate(entry) &&
/* Commit done by renaming the trx/stmt cache. */
if (write_transaction_with_group_commit(entry))
return true; /* Error */
if (unlikely(entry->error))
return 1;
return 0;
Introducing two new functions:
bool write_transaction_with_group_commit(group_commit_entry *entry)
This function contains the code from write_transaction_to_binlog_events() up
to and including this:
if (likely(!entry->error))
return entry->thd->wait_for_prior_commit();
You don't need the wait_for_prior_commit() in the commit-by-rotate case, as
you already did this in Binlog_free_flush::commit()).
You also don't need to handle the (!opt_optimize_thread_scheduling) case for
commit-by-rotate, this is old code that is being deprecated. Just add a
condition in should_free_flush() to skip if opt_optimize_thread_scheduling
is set.
Other new function:
void write_transaction_handle_error(group_commit_entry *entry)
This function contains the remainder of the
write_transaction_to_binlog_events() function starting from
"switch (entry->error) ...".
This way, the commit-by-rotate case is cleanly separated from the normal
group commit case and the code of write_transaction_to_binlog_events()
becomes much cleaner.
Now follows more detailed comments on specific parts of the patch:
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index 34f9ad745fc..3dc57b21c05 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -163,6 +163,111 @@ static SHOW_VAR binlog_status_vars_detail[]=
> + void set_reserved_bytes(uint32 header_len)
> + {
> + // Gtid event length
> + header_len+= LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN + Gtid_log_event::max_data_length +
> + header_len= header_len - (header_len % IO_SIZE) + IO_SIZE;
This has an off-by-one error, it will round up IO_SIZE to 2*IO_SIZE.
Use eg. header_len = (header_len + (IO_SIZE - 1)) & ~(IO_SIZE - 1)
You can use static_assert((IO_SIZE & (IO_SIZE - 1)) == 0, "power of two")
if you want to catch if anyone would ever change IO_SIZE to be not a power
of two.
+ Binlog_free_flush &operator=(const Binlog_free_flush &);
+ Binlog_free_flush(const Binlog_free_flush &);
Add before this a comment "singleton object, prevent copying by mistake".
> + char m_cache_dir[FN_REFLEN];
This member appears to be unused?
> + /** The cache_data which will be renamed to binlog. */
> + binlog_cache_data *m_cache_data{nullptr};
Also appears unused.
Maybe add a comment that m_entry and m_replaced are protected by LOCK_log?
> +static Binlog_free_flush binlog_free_flush;
> +ulonglong opt_binlog_free_flush_threshold= 10 * 1024 * 1024;
This initializes the value to 10 MB, but the default value in is
128MB, so that seems inconsistent.
> @@ -4126,8 +4238,7 @@ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open(const char *log_name,
> /* Notify the io thread that binlog is rotated to a new file */
> if (is_relay_log)
> signal_relay_log_update();
> - else
> - update_binlog_end_pos();
> +
Why do you remove update_binlog_end_pos() here? Doesn't the binlog dump
threads need this update?
> @@ -8703,7 +8821,16 @@ MYSQL_BIN_LOG::queue_for_group_commit(group_commit_entry *orig_entry)
> bool
> MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_transaction_to_binlog_events(group_commit_entry *entry)
> {
> - int is_leader= queue_for_group_commit(entry);
> + int is_leader;
> +
> + if (binlog_free_flush.should_free_flush(entry) &&
> + binlog_free_flush.commit(entry))
> + {
> + is_leader= 1;
> + goto commit;
> + }
> +
> + is_leader= queue_for_group_commit(entry);
As described above, re-factor the write_transaction_to_binlog_events()
function to avoid this assignment of is_leader and the goto.
> @@ -8863,6 +8992,16 @@ MYSQL_BIN_LOG::trx_group_commit_leader(group_commit_entry *leader)
> uint64 commit_id;
> DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::trx_group_commit_leader");
> + /*
> + When move a binlog cache to a binlog file, the transaction itself is
> + a group.
> + */
> + if (unlikely(is_free_flush))
> + {
> + last_in_queue= leader;
> + queue= leader;
> + }
> + else
As described above, re-factor trx_group_commit_leader() to avoid this check
in trx_group_commit_leader(), instead calling directly into the relevant
code now in trx_group_commit_with_engines().
> +inline bool Binlog_free_flush::should_free_flush(
> + const MYSQL_BIN_LOG::group_commit_entry *entry) const
> +{
> + /* Do not free flush if total_bytes smaller than limit size. */
> + if (likely(cache_data->get_byte_position() <=
> + opt_binlog_free_flush_threshold))
> + return false;
Put this check as the first check in the function. So the common case of a
small transaction does not need to run any of the other checks.
And as suggested above, put a check:
if (unlikely(!opt_optimize_thread_scheduling))
return false;
(This is not critical, but just to make things a bit easier; there is no
reason for you/us to worry about making commit-by-rotate work with disabled
optimize_thread_scheduling, this option isn't used any more. Otherwise you'd
need to test that your patch works correctly with optimize_thread_scheduling
disabled, which would just be a waste of time.)
> +bool Binlog_free_flush::commit(MYSQL_BIN_LOG::group_commit_entry *entry)
> +{
> + // It will be released by trx_group_commit_leader
> + mysql_mutex_lock(&mysql_bin_log.LOCK_log);
After suggested changes, comment should read "It will be released by
> + mysql_bin_log.trx_group_commit_leader(entry, true /* is_free_flush */);
As discussed above, change this to call a new function
mysql_bin_log.trx_group_commit_with_engines(), which contains the second
part of trx_group_commit_leader() that you need to run. Then there is no
longer a need to pass a `true` flag here to skip the first part.
Also, before the call, this is the place to set entry->next to nullptr, to
convert the stand-alone entry into a (singleton) list (instead of
initializing it in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_transaction_to_binlog().)
> @@ -8301,6 +8418,7 @@ MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_transaction_to_binlog(THD *thd,
> }
> + nullptr;
> thd;
> entry.cache_mngr= cache_mngr;
> entry.error= 0;
Do you need to initialize entry->next here, and if so why?
At this point, the entry is not a list, it is a stand-alone struct that is
not yet linked into any list, the next pointer should be set appropriately
when/if the struct is later put into a list.
More important than the minor cost of initializing, by redundantly
initializing here we are hiding bugs (eg. Valgrind/msan/asan) if some code
would incorrectly read the next pointer.
> +bool Binlog_free_flush::replace_binlog_file()
> +{
> + size_t binlog_size= my_b_tell(&mysql_bin_log.log_file);
> + size_t required_size= binlog_size;
> + // space for Gtid_log_event
> + required_size+= LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN + Gtid_log_event::max_data_length +
Just a remark, here you actually know the real required size of the GTID
event, so you don't need to conservatively estimate
Gtid_log_event::max_data_length. But I think doing it this way is fine, it
is simpler and in most cases we are rounding up to IO_SIZE anyway, so I'm
fine with keeping it this way.
> + sql_print_information("Could not rename binlog cache to binlog, "
> + "require %llu bytes but only %llu bytes reserved.",
> + required_size, m_cache_data->file_reserved_bytes());
This log message will perhaps appear a bit out-of-context in the error log.
Suggested clarification:
"Could not rename binlog cache to binlog (as requested by
--binlog-commit-by-rotate-threshold). Required ..."
> + // Set the cache file as binlog file.
> + mysql_file_close(mysql_bin_log.log_file.file, MYF(MY_WME));
Do not to pass MY_WME here (instead pass MYF(0)). Since you are ignoring the
return of the function, so we don't want mysql_file_close to call my_error()
leaving an error code set even though the operation succeeds.
> +size_t Binlog_free_flush::get_gtid_event_pad_size()
> +{
> + size_t begin_pos= my_b_tell(&mysql_bin_log.log_file);
> + size_t pad_to_size=
> + m_cache_data->file_reserved_bytes() - begin_pos - LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN;
> +
> + if (binlog_checksum_options != BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_OFF)
> + pad_to_size-= BINLOG_CHECKSUM_LEN;
Adjusting with BINLOG_CHECKSUM_LEN is to account for the 4 bytes of checksum
at the end of the GTID_EVENT, right?
But why do you subtract LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN when calculating pad_to_size?
(I mean, it is probably correct, otherwise nothing would work I think. I
just did not understand it, maybe you can explain in a short comment. Or
maybe Gtid_log_event::write() could be modified to do the adjusting for
> + // offset must be saved before replace_binlog_file(), it will update the pos
> + my_off_t offset= my_b_tell(&log_file);
Suggest to clarify comment to "..., it will update the file position".
> @@ -756,18 +759,20 @@ class MYSQL_BIN_LOG: public TC_LOG, private Event_log
> new_file() is locking. new_file_without_locking() does not acquire
> LOCK_log.
> */
> - int new_file_impl();
> + int new_file_impl(bool is_free_flush= false);
> void do_checkpoint_request(ulong binlog_id);
> - int write_transaction_or_stmt(group_commit_entry *entry, uint64 commit_id);
> + int write_transaction_or_stmt(group_commit_entry *entry, uint64 commit_id,
> + bool is_free_flush= false);
> int queue_for_group_commit(group_commit_entry *entry);
> bool write_transaction_to_binlog_events(group_commit_entry *entry);
> - void trx_group_commit_leader(group_commit_entry *leader);
> + void trx_group_commit_leader(group_commit_entry *leader,
> + bool is_free_flush= false);
> bool is_xidlist_idle_nolock();
> void update_gtid_index(uint32 offset, rpl_gtid gtid);
> public:
> void purge(bool all);
> - int new_file_without_locking();
> + int new_file_without_locking(bool is_free_flush= false);
> /*
> A list of struct xid_count_per_binlog is used to keep track of how many
> XIDs are in prepared, but not committed, state in each binlog. And how
> @@ -997,7 +1002,8 @@ class MYSQL_BIN_LOG: public TC_LOG, private Event_log
> enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg,
> ulong max_size,
> bool null_created,
> - bool need_mutex);
> + bool need_mutex,
> + bool is_free_flush = false);
> bool open_index_file(const char *index_file_name_arg,
> const char *log_name, bool need_mutex);
> /* Use this to start writing a new log file */
> @@ -1037,7 +1043,7 @@ class MYSQL_BIN_LOG: public TC_LOG, private Event_log
> bool is_active(const char* log_file_name);
> bool can_purge_log(const char *log_file_name, bool interactive);
> int update_log_index(LOG_INFO* linfo, bool need_update_threads);
> - int rotate(bool force_rotate, bool* check_purge);
> + int rotate(bool force_rotate, bool* check_purge, bool is_free_flush= false);
> void checkpoint_and_purge(ulong binlog_id);
> int rotate_and_purge(bool force_rotate, DYNAMIC_ARRAY* drop_gtid_domain= NULL);
> /**
Style preference: please add the these new boolean parameters without
default value, and instead change existing callers to pass false explicitly.
(And the parameter will be "commit_by_rotate" after name change.)
> +
> +extern ulonglong opt_binlog_free_flush_threshold;
> +static Sys_var_ulonglong Sys_binlog_free_flush_threshold(
> + "binlog_free_flush_threshold",
> + "Try to rename the binlog cache temporary file of the commiting "
> + "transaction to a binlog file when its binlog cache size "
> + "is bigger than the value of this variable",
> + GLOBAL_VAR(opt_binlog_free_flush_threshold),
> + DEFAULT(128 * 1024 * 1024), BLOCK_SIZE(1));
As described above:
- Suggested name: "binlog_commit_by_rotate_threshold".
- Suggested text: "For transactions that exceed this size in the binlog,
commit by a more efficient method that forces a binlog rotation and
re-uses the pre-existing temporary file as the next binlog file."
- Let me hear opinions on whether this should default to 128 MB or should
default to eg. ULONGLONG_MAX to disable the feature by default.
> diff --git a/mysql-test/main/tmp_space_usage.test b/mysql-test/main/tmp_space_usage.test
> index af7b295f343..1685dbbc450 100644
> --- a/mysql-test/main/tmp_space_usage.test
> +++ b/mysql-test/main/tmp_space_usage.test
> @@ -215,7 +215,8 @@ select count(distinct concat(seq,repeat('x',1000))) from seq_1_to_1000;
> set @save_max_tmp_total_space_usage=@@global.max_tmp_total_space_usage;
> set @@global.max_tmp_total_space_usage=64*1024*1024;
> -set @@max_tmp_session_space_usage=1179648;
> +# Binlog cache reserve 4096 bytes at the begin of the temporary file.
> +set @@max_tmp_session_space_usage=1179648+65536;
> select @@max_tmp_session_space_usage;
> set @save_aria_repair_threads=@@aria_repair_threads;
> set @@aria_repair_threads=2;
> @@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ set @@max_heap_table_size=16777216;
> CREATE TABLE t1 (a CHAR(255),b INT,INDEX (b));
> INSERT INTO t1 SELECT SEQ,SEQ FROM seq_1_to_100000;
> +set @@max_tmp_session_space_usage=1179648;
> --error 200
> connect(c1, localhost, root,,);
> set @@binlog_format=row;
> +# Use the transaction to keep binlog cache temporary file large enough
> INSERT INTO t1 SELECT NOW() FROM seq_1_to_6000;
> +
> SET max_tmp_session_space_usage = 64*1024;
> --error 200
> SELECT * FROM information_schema.ALL_PLUGINS LIMIT 2;
> drop table t1;
Can you explain why you need these changes to the test case? I was not able
to understand that from the patch.
With these changes, I approve of this patch / pull-request to merge into the
next MariaDB release.
- Kristian.

Re: bd616a3733c: Auth: set thd->scramble in all cases during writing Initial Handshake Packet
by Sergei Golubchik 10 Sep '24
by Sergei Golubchik 10 Sep '24
10 Sep '24
Hi, Nikita,
On Sep 09, Nikita Malyavin wrote:
> revision-id: bd616a3733c (mariadb-11.6.1-13-gbd616a3733c)
> parent(s): bbbb429a1eb
> author: Nikita Malyavin
> committer: Nikita Malyavin
> timestamp: 2024-09-07 20:46:19 +0200
> message:
> Auth: set thd->scramble in all cases during writing Initial Handshake Packet
> ---
> sql/ | 19 +++++++++++++------
> 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index 93efc5806cc..7845af55413 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -13504,17 +13504,21 @@ static bool send_server_handshake_packet(MPVIO_EXT *mpvio,
> mpvio->cached_server_packet.pkt_len= data_len;
> }
> - if (data_len < SCRAMBLE_LENGTH)
> + if (thd->scramble[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH] != 0)
old code was obviously wrong
but the new one makes no sense either. How can
thd->scramble[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH] be not zero at this point?
I'd think you need to execute the code below unconditionally.
> {
> + DBUG_ASSERT(thd->scramble[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH] == 1); // Sanity
> +
> if (data_len)
> {
> /*
> the first packet *must* have at least 20 bytes of a scramble.
> - if a plugin provided less, we pad it to 20 with zeros
> + if a plugin provided less, we pad it to 20 with zeros,
> + plus extra zero termination sign is put in thd->scramble.
> + If more is provided, we'll use only 20 bytes as a handshake scramble.
Not sure it's a good idea. Why not to send the complete scramble?
True, it won't fit on the client side into mysql->scramble[].
Two ways to fix it:
* Write the first 20 bytes. The server will only store the first 20
bytes too, and for COM_CHANGE_USER they'll use the first 20 bytes
only (for the login auth they can use the complete scramble).
That's a rather hackish fix, a proper fix would be
* store the complete scramble in MYSQL. The first 20 bytes in
MYSQL::scramble_buff, the rest in MySQL::extension.scramble_suffix
> */
> - memcpy(scramble_buf, data, data_len);
> - bzero(scramble_buf + data_len, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH - data_len);
> - data= scramble_buf;
> + size_t fill_size= MY_MIN(SCRAMBLE_LENGTH, data_len);
> + memcpy(thd->scramble, data, fill_size);
> + bzero(thd->scramble + fill_size, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH - fill_size + 1);
> }
Chief Architect, MariaDB Server
and security(a)

Re: 982bf06d560: MDEV-12320 configurable default authentication plugin for the server
by Sergei Golubchik 09 Sep '24
by Sergei Golubchik 09 Sep '24
09 Sep '24
Hi, Nikita,
This looks good. Minor comments below.
On Sep 09, Nikita Malyavin wrote:
> revision-id: 982bf06d560 (mariadb-11.6.1-14-g982bf06d560)
> parent(s): bd616a3733c
> author: Nikita Malyavin
> committer: Nikita Malyavin
> timestamp: 2024-09-07 21:44:13 +0200
> message:
> MDEV-12320 configurable default authentication plugin for the server
> * Add a new cmdline-only variable "default_auth_plugin".
> * A default plugin is locked at the server init and unlocked at the deinit
> stages. This means that mysql_native_password and old_password_plugin, when
> default, are locked/unlocked twice.
doesn't matter, compiled-in plugins are only locked in debug builds,
otherwise it's a no-op.
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -4538,6 +4538,14 @@ static Sys_var_plugin Sys_enforce_storage_engine(
> DEFAULT(&enforced_storage_engine), NO_MUTEX_GUARD, NOT_IN_BINLOG,
> ON_CHECK(check_has_super));
> +extern const char *default_auth_plugin_name;
> +extern LEX_CSTRING native_password_plugin_name;
Is it ok? The correct type is Lex_ident_plugin.
> +static Sys_var_charptr Sys_default_auth_plugin(
there's also Sys_var_lexstring, if you prefer that.
> + "default_auth_plugin", "Default plugin, that will be tried first when authenticating new connections",
reformat the long line, please
> + READ_ONLY GLOBAL_VAR(default_auth_plugin_name), CMD_LINE(OPT_ARG),
> + DEFAULT(native_password_plugin_name.str),
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -2543,9 +2542,20 @@ bool acl_init(bool dont_read_acl_tables)
> old_password_plugin= my_plugin_lock_by_name(0,
> &old_password_plugin_name, MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN);
> + Lex_cstring_strlen def_plugin_name(default_auth_plugin_name);
> + default_auth_plugin= my_plugin_lock_by_name(NULL, &def_plugin_name,
> +
> if (!native_password_plugin || !old_password_plugin)
> + if (!default_auth_plugin)
> + {
> + sql_print_error("Default plugin %s could not be loaded",
> + default_auth_plugin_name);
see init_default_storage_engine() in - it's for
--default-storage-engine option.
let's use similar wording for consistency:
sql_print_error("Unknown/unsupported authentication plugin: %s",
> + }
> +
> if (dont_read_acl_tables)
> {
> DBUG_RETURN(0); /* purecov: tested */
Chief Architect, MariaDB Server
and security(a)

Re: bbbb429a1eb: Auth: release the plugins from responsibility to fill scramble_buff.
by Sergei Golubchik 09 Sep '24
by Sergei Golubchik 09 Sep '24
09 Sep '24
Hi, Nikita,
Conceptually ok, see one omission below.
On Sep 09, Nikita Malyavin wrote:
> revision-id: bbbb429a1eb (mariadb-11.6.1-12-gbbbb429a1eb)
> parent(s): db5d1cde450
> author: Nikita Malyavin
> committer: Nikita Malyavin
> timestamp: 2024-09-07 20:44:02 +0200
> message:
> Auth: release the plugins from responsibility to fill scramble_buff.
> Fill it once during the Initial Handshake Packet parsing. This uses the fact
> that the server guarantees first 20 bytes to be the scramble.
> Submodule libmariadb de6305915f8..12d78187061:
> diff --git a/libmariadb/libmariadb/mariadb_lib.c b/libmariadb/libmariadb/mariadb_lib.c
> index 78195d44..07953ea4 100644
> --- a/libmariadb/libmariadb/mariadb_lib.c
> +++ b/libmariadb/libmariadb/mariadb_lib.c
> @@ -1954,6 +1954,8 @@ restart:
> goto error;
> }
> }
> + memmove(mysql->scramble_buff, scramble_data, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH);
> + mysql->scramble_buff[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH]= 0;
> /* Set character set */
> if (mysql->options.charset_name)
> diff --git a/libmariadb/plugins/auth/my_auth.c b/libmariadb/plugins/auth/my_auth.c
> index a2fd519d..47d26150 100644
> --- a/libmariadb/plugins/auth/my_auth.c
> +++ b/libmariadb/plugins/auth/my_auth.c
> @@ -126,10 +126,6 @@ static int native_password_auth_client(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, MYSQL *mysql)
> if (pkt_len != SCRAMBLE_LENGTH + 1)
> -
> - /* save it in MYSQL */
> - memmove(mysql->scramble_buff, pkt, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH);
> - mysql->scramble_buff[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH] = 0;
This looks ok
> }
> if (mysql && mysql->passwd[0])
> diff --git a/sql-common/client.c b/sql-common/client.c
> index 6d030ce0a17..28b477c1e9a 100644
> --- a/sql-common/client.c
> +++ b/sql-common/client.c
> @@ -4178,10 +4178,6 @@ static int native_password_auth_client(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, MYSQL *mysql)
> if (pkt_len != SCRAMBLE_LENGTH + 1)
> -
> - /* save it in MYSQL */
> - memcpy(mysql->scramble, pkt, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH);
> - mysql->scramble[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH] = 0;
this isn't, you removed memcpy from the plugin, but didn't add it to
mysql_real_connect in sql-common/client.c.
> }
> if (mysql->passwd[0])
Chief Architect, MariaDB Server
and security(a)

Re: b96afca238a: MDEV-16440 merge 5.7 P_S sysvars instrumentation and tables
by Sergei Golubchik 08 Sep '24
by Sergei Golubchik 08 Sep '24
08 Sep '24
Hi, Nikita,
Despite the email subject, it's a review of everything in
bb-10.10-MDEV-16440, *except* 9c57bbfef92. That is
37e1ccbf678..c16b2429f02 without notifiable_work_zone.h
I'll send a separate email about notifiable_work_zone.h
On Sep 08, Nikita Malyavin wrote:
> revision-id: b96afca238a (mariadb-10.6.1-472-gb96afca238a)
> parent(s): 37e1ccbf678
> author: Nikita Malyavin
> committer: Nikita Malyavin
> timestamp: 2022-06-19 14:52:30 +0300
> message:
> MDEV-16440 merge 5.7 P_S sysvars instrumentation and tables
> diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/perfschema/t/variables_stress.test b/mysql-test/suite/perfschema/t/variables_stress.test
> new file mode 100644
> index 00000000000..be3012bf8af
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/mysql-test/suite/perfschema/t/variables_stress.test
> @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
stress tests generally don't belong in mtr and aren't reliable enough
for the mtr. Also, you forgot to check in the result file for it.
on the other hand, looking at the patch I got the impression that
this stress test helped to find a lot of bugs.
> +let $i = 64;
> +enable_connect_log;
> +while ($i) {
> + echo i = $i;
> + connect(con_$i, localhost, root);
> +# set debug_sync = "tp_hanger wait_for banger";
> + send set debug_dbug = "+d,tp_wanger";
> + dec $i;
> +}
> +connection default;
> +
> +SELECT THREAD_ID, PROCESSLIST_ID FROM performance_schema.threads;
> +set debug_sync = "now signal banger";
> +connect(banger_1, localhost, root);
> +let $banger1= `SELECT THREAD_ID FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID()`;
> +send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> +connect(banger_2, localhost, root);
> +let $banger2= `SELECT THREAD_ID FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID()`;
> +send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> +connect(banger_3, localhost, root);
> +let $banger3= `SELECT THREAD_ID FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID()`;
> +send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> +connect(banger_4, localhost, root);
> +let $banger4= `SELECT THREAD_ID FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID()`;
> +send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> +connect(banger_5, localhost, root);
> +let $banger5= `SELECT THREAD_ID FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID()`;
> +
> +send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> +
> +let $i = 2000;
> +let $j=65;
> +while ($i) {
> + echo i = $i;
> + connection banger_1;
> + reap;
> + send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> + connection banger_2;
> + reap;
> + send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> + connection banger_3;
> + reap;
> + send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> + connection banger_4;
> + reap;
> + send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> + connection banger_5;
> + reap;
> + send select count(*) from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> + dec $i;
> +
> + let $threads= `show status where variable_name = 'threads_connected'`;
> + if ($threads < 63) {
> + connect(con_$i, localhost, root);
> + send set debug_dbug = "+d,tp_wanger";
> + inc $j;
> + }
> +}
> +reap;
> +select * from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name="time_zone";
> +echo $banger1;
> +echo $banger2;
> +echo $banger3;
> +echo $banger4;
> +echo $banger5;
> +# eval select * from performance_schema.variables_by_thread where variable_name like "%id" and thread_id=197;
> +connection default;
> +# set global debug_dbug = "";
> +set debug_sync = reset;
> +
> +show status where variable_name = 'threads_connected';
> diff --git a/sql/sql_plugin.h b/sql/sql_plugin.h
> index d4df8c6468f..3d02d1c7509 100644
> --- a/sql/sql_plugin.h
> +++ b/sql/sql_plugin.h
> @@ -186,6 +186,10 @@ extern SHOW_COMP_OPTION plugin_status(const char *name, size_t len, int type);
> extern bool check_valid_path(const char *path, size_t length);
> extern void plugin_mutex_init();
> +template <class T> class Dynamic_array;
you can simply include sql_array.h, can't you?
> +
> +void plugin_lock_by_sys_var_array(THD *thd, Dynamic_array<SHOW_VAR> *vars);
> +
> typedef my_bool (plugin_foreach_func)(THD *thd,
> plugin_ref plugin,
> void *arg);
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index 0597b086b7b..ec86389d08f 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -1296,6 +1296,9 @@ dispatch_command_return do_command(THD *thd, bool blocking)
> goto out;
> }
> + if (unlikely(thd->apc_target.have_apc_requests()))
> + thd->apc_target.process_apc_requests();
1. why here?
2. there generally shouldn't be direct checks of apc requests,
the code should do check_killed() often enough. So if you really need
a check here (see question 1), add if (thd->check_killed())...
> +
> packet= (char*) net->read_pos;
> /*
> 'packet_length' contains length of data, as it was stored in packet
> diff --git a/vio/viopipe.c b/vio/viopipe.c
> index aeaad311b7e..5106c6d6513 100644
> --- a/vio/viopipe.c
> +++ b/vio/viopipe.c
> @@ -53,8 +53,9 @@ static size_t wait_overlapped_result(Vio *vio, int timeout)
> }
> else
> {
> + DWORD last_error= GetLastError();
> /* Error or timeout, cancel the pending I/O operation. */
> - CancelIo(vio->hPipe);
> + CancelIoEx(vio->hPipe, &vio->overlapped);
why, CancelIoEx resets last error, but CancelIo doesn't?
> /*
> If the wait timed out, set error code to indicate a
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index ed68e31c755..25844d1f3ef 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ void TP_pool_win::resume(TP_connection* c)
> SubmitThreadpoolWork(((TP_connection_win*)c)->work);
> }
> +int TP_pool_win::wake(TP_connection *c)
> +{
> + return 0;
> +}
How is that supposed to work?
How do you wake up threadpool threads on Windows?
> +
> #define CHECK_ALLOC_ERROR(op) \
> do \
> { \
> diff --git a/mysys/my_thr_init.c b/mysys/my_thr_init.c
> index cde34e5bdb9..89f190ee989 100644
> --- a/mysys/my_thr_init.c
> +++ b/mysys/my_thr_init.c
> @@ -432,9 +432,21 @@ const char *my_thread_name(void)
> extern void **my_thread_var_dbug()
> {
> struct st_my_thread_var *tmp;
> + int last_error;
> if (!my_thread_global_init_done)
> return NULL;
> +#ifdef WIN32
> + last_error= GetLastError();
> +#else
> + last_error= errno;
> +#endif
> +
> tmp= my_thread_var;
> +#ifdef WIN32
> + SetLastError(last_error);
> +#else
> + errno= last_error;
> +#endif
huh? my_thread_var can change errno?
> return tmp && tmp->init ? &tmp->dbug : 0;
> }
> #endif /* DBUG_OFF */
> diff --git a/storage/perfschema/pfs_variable.h b/storage/perfschema/pfs_variable.h
> index e59b02f2af8..f509e97048c 100644
> --- a/storage/perfschema/pfs_variable.h
> +++ b/storage/perfschema/pfs_variable.h
> @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class Find_THD_variable : public Find_THD_Impl
> return false;
> /* Hold this lock to keep THD during materialization. */
> - mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data);
> + mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_kill);
see commits 736a54f49c72 and c6c2a2b8d463
> return true;
> }
> void set_unsafe_thd(THD *unsafe_thd) { m_unsafe_thd= unsafe_thd; }
> diff --git a/sql/threadpool_generic.h b/sql/threadpool_generic.h
> index b7a35b7cbf0..e16ec4a4966 100644
> --- a/sql/threadpool_generic.h
> +++ b/sql/threadpool_generic.h
> @@ -88,9 +89,17 @@ struct TP_connection_generic :public TP_connection
> ulonglong abs_wait_timeout;
> ulonglong enqueue_time;
> TP_file_handle fd;
> + /**
> + Designates whether fd is currently connected to the poll denoted by
> + thread_group->pollfd. See also change_group.
> + */
> bool bound_to_poll_descriptor;
> int waiting;
> bool fix_group;
> +#ifndef WIN32
> + Notifiable_work_zone work_zone;
> + bool leave_work_zone() final;
> +#endif
Do you need this #ifndef? WIN32 is *never* defined, it's _WIN32.
and _WIN32 is never defined *here*, on Windows we use TP_connection_win.
> #ifdef _WIN32
> win_aiosocket win_sock{};
> void init_vio(st_vio *vio) override
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index a0ba1d7e5a3..bfe49cddbf4 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -1909,13 +1910,13 @@ void THD::awake_no_mutex(killed_state state_to_set)
> }
> /* Broadcast a condition to kick the target if it is waiting on it. */
> -void THD::abort_current_cond_wait(bool force)
> +void THD::abort_current_cond_wait(bool force, bool mark_abort)
a bit illogical, these values aren't orthogonal.
you want a 3-state enum, like
> {
> mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_thd_kill);
> if (mysys_var)
> {
> mysql_mutex_lock(&mysys_var->mutex);
> - if (!system_thread || force) // Don't abort locks
> + if (mark_abort && (!system_thread || force)) // Don't abort locks
> mysys_var->abort=1;
> /*
> @@ -4373,6 +4374,14 @@ my_bool thd_net_is_killed(THD *thd)
> return thd && thd->killed ? 1 : 0;
> }
> +/* returns true if any APC was processed */
> +void thd_net_process_apc_requests(THD *thd)
even though it's called from,
there's nothing about NET here, so calling it
thd_net_process_apc_requests is misleading
> +{
> + if (unlikely(thd->apc_target.have_apc_requests()))
> + thd->apc_target.process_apc_requests();
you also call it from the threadpool_common and
a couple of times you have these two lines verbatim
in other places (e.g.
why couldn't you call thd->check_killed() instead?
> + DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "net_after_apc");
> +}
> +
> void thd_increment_bytes_received(void *thd, size_t length)
> {
> diff --git a/sql/my_apc.h b/sql/my_apc.h
> index cc98e36bbe4..ae60bdc2763 100644
> --- a/sql/my_apc.h
> +++ b/sql/my_apc.h
> @@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ class Apc_target
> */
> inline bool have_apc_requests()
> {
> - return MY_TEST(apc_calls);
> + return MY_TEST(apc_calls.load(std::memory_order_acquire));
> }
> inline bool is_enabled() { return enabled; }
> @@ -95,14 +97,19 @@ class Apc_target
> virtual ~Apc_call() {}
> };
> + class Call_request;
> /* Make a call in the target thread (see function definition for details) */
> - bool make_apc_call(THD *caller_thd, Apc_call *call, int timeout_sec, bool *timed_out);
> + bool make_apc_call(THD *caller_thd, Apc_call *call,
> + int timeout_sec, bool *timed_out);
> +
> + void enqueue_request(Call_request *request_buff, Apc_call *call);
> + int wait_for_completion(THD *caller_thd, Call_request *request,
> + int timeout_sec);
You wrote
> In we will have to make an additional step between
> enqueue_request and wait_for_completion. These two functions will be called
> directly and therefore both should have a public interface
and I don't think I quite agree with that. Your "additional step"
seems to be abort_current_cond_wait() and notify_apc(). It's not an exotic
additional step that only needs, anyone, who makes an apc
call needs the target thread to wake up and process it. It's something
that should be part of apc code, not done only in
And this case you likely won't need enqueue_request and wait_for_completion
as a public api
> #ifndef DBUG_OFF
> int n_calls_processed; /* Number of calls served by this target */
> #endif
> private:
> - class Call_request;
> /*
> Non-zero value means we're enabled. It's an int, not bool, because one can
> diff --git a/sql/threadpool.h b/sql/threadpool.h
> index 7737d056b4a..08e85d362e7 100644
> --- a/sql/threadpool.h
> +++ b/sql/threadpool.h
> @@ -112,6 +119,8 @@ struct TP_connection
> /* Read for the next client command (async) with specified timeout */
> virtual int start_io() = 0;
> + IF_WIN(,virtual) bool leave_work_zone(){ return true; }
> + IF_WIN(Notifiable_work_zone work_zone;,) // Dummy object.
Ugh, this is unreadable. IF_WIN was supposed to be used in expressions.
And why do you need virtual methods here, again?
> virtual void wait_begin(int type)= 0;
> virtual void wait_end() = 0;
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index eb08441a4d5..f61dd90606b 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ struct pool_timer_t
> static pool_timer_t pool_timer;
> -static void queue_put(thread_group_t *thread_group, TP_connection_generic *connection);
> +IF_DBUG(,static)
you can remove this IF_DBUG, I don't see you use queue_put outside of this
> +void queue_put(thread_group_t *thread_group, TP_connection_generic *connection);
> static void queue_put(thread_group_t *thread_group, native_event *ev, int cnt);
> static int wake_thread(thread_group_t *thread_group,bool due_to_stall);
> static int wake_or_create_thread(thread_group_t *thread_group, bool due_to_stall=false);
> @@ -1485,8 +1520,41 @@ static int change_group(TP_connection_generic *c,
> }
> +#ifndef WIN32
> +bool TP_connection_generic::leave_work_zone()
> +{
> + auto leave_state= work_zone.try_leave();
> + while (unlikely(leave_state == Notifiable_work_zone::SIGNAL))
> + {
> + if (thd->apc_target.have_apc_requests())
> + thd->apc_target.process_apc_requests();
> + leave_state= work_zone.try_leave();
> + }
> + return leave_state == Notifiable_work_zone::OWNER;
> +}
> +#endif
> +
> +#ifndef DBUG_OFF
> +#include <random>
> +static thread_local std::mt19937 mt_random{std::random_device()()};
> +static thread_local std::uniform_int_distribution<int> kill_dist{1, 100000};
> +void queue_put(thread_group_t *thread_group, TP_connection_generic *connection);
> +void tp_send(TP_connection_type* c);
> +#endif
> +
> int TP_connection_generic::start_io()
> {
> + if(DBUG_IF("tp_wanger"))
> + {
> + bool survive= kill_dist(mt_random) != 555;
does that compile? you define kill_dist under #ifndef DBUG_OFF.
You can fix this with, like
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
if (DBUG_IF("tp_wanger"))
static thread_local std::mt19937 ...
> + if (survive)
> + {
> + tp_send(this);
> + }
> + return survive ? 0 : 1;
> + }
> +
> /*
> Usually, connection will stay in the same group for the entire
> connection's life. However, we do allow group_count to
> diff --git a/vio/viosocket.c b/vio/viosocket.c
> index 002ff274b74..45c3d80a33d 100644
> --- a/vio/viosocket.c
> +++ b/vio/viosocket.c
> @@ -909,20 +916,53 @@ static my_bool socket_peek_read(Vio *vio, uint *bytes)
> */
> #ifndef _WIN32
> +#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
> +#define PFD_SIZE 1
> +static inline int vio_poll(struct pollfd pfd[], nfds_t nr, int timeout)
> +{
> + struct timespec tm, *tm_arg= NULL;
> + sigset_t signals;
> + /* Convert the timeout, in milliseconds, to seconds and microseconds. */
> + if (timeout >= 0)
> + {
> + tm.tv_sec= timeout / 1000;
> + tm.tv_nsec= (timeout % 1000) * 1000 * 1000;
> + tm_arg= &tm;
> + }
> + sigemptyset(&signals);
> +
> + return ppoll(pfd, 1, tm_arg, &signals);
> +}
> +#else
> +#define PFD_SIZE 2
> +#define vio_poll poll
> +#endif
why do you need that? How is your vio_poll() different from poll() ?
> +
> int vio_io_wait(Vio *vio, enum enum_vio_io_event event, int timeout)
> {
> int ret;
> short revents __attribute__((unused)) = 0;
> - struct pollfd pfd;
> + const short revents_read = MY_POLL_SET_IN | MY_POLL_SET_ERR | POLLRDHUP;
> + struct pollfd pfd[PFD_SIZE];
> my_socket sd= mysql_socket_getfd(vio->mysql_socket);
> + int pfd_size;
> MYSQL_SOCKET_WAIT_VARIABLES(locker, state) /* no ';' */
> DBUG_ENTER("vio_io_wait");
> DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("timeout: %d", timeout));
> - memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd));
> + memset(pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd));
> - pfd.fd= sd;
> + pfd[0].fd= sd;
> +#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
> + my_socket self_pipe= threadlocal_get_self_pipe();
> + if (self_pipe)
> + {
> + pfd[1].fd= self_pipe;
> + pfd[1].events= MY_POLL_SET_IN;
> + }
> +#endif
> + pfd_size= PFD_SIZE;
really? I'd expect it to be essentially
pfd_size= self_pipe ? 2 : 1;
> /*
> Set the poll bitmask describing the type of events.
> The error flags are only valid in the revents bitmask.
> @@ -970,16 +1023,16 @@ int vio_io_wait(Vio *vio, enum enum_vio_io_event event, int timeout)
> }
> #else
> -
> int vio_io_wait(Vio *vio, enum enum_vio_io_event event, int timeout)
> {
> int ret;
> - struct timeval tm;
> - my_socket fd= mysql_socket_getfd(vio->mysql_socket);
> - fd_set readfds, writefds, exceptfds;
> MYSQL_SOCKET_WAIT_VARIABLES(locker, state) /* no ';' */
> DBUG_ENTER("vio_io_wait");
> + /* Not read , e.g connect or write - use select() based wait */
> + struct timeval tm;
> + my_socket fd= mysql_socket_getfd(vio->mysql_socket);
> + fd_set readfds, writefds, exceptfds;
it's C, you cannot mix declarations and code
> /* Convert the timeout, in milliseconds, to seconds and microseconds. */
> if (timeout >= 0)
> {
> @@ -1013,14 +1066,17 @@ int vio_io_wait(Vio *vio, enum enum_vio_io_event event, int timeout)
> ret= select(0, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds, (timeout >= 0) ? &tm : NULL);
> END_SOCKET_WAIT(locker, timeout);
> /* Set error code to indicate a timeout error. */
> if (ret == 0)
> /* Error or timeout? */
> - if (ret <= 0)
> + if (ret <= 0){
> + DBUG_PRINT("vio", ("vio_io_wait: error return: %d. Last error: %d",
> + ret, socket_errno));
> + }
> /* The requested I/O event is ready? */
> switch (event)
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index 9beb3cca8f8..1c8975cfb23 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -23,7 +23,53 @@
> #include "mariadb.h"
> #include "mysqld.h"
> #include "sql_priv.h"
> -#ifndef _WIN32
> +#ifdef _WIN32
> +#ifdef _WIN32_WINNT
> +#undef _WIN32_WINNT
> +#endif
> +
> +#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
> +#include "windows.h" // QueueUserAPC2
> +#define WINDOWS_KERNEL32_DLLNAME_W "kernel32"
> +
> +//
> +
> +// These declarations are for a new special user-mode APC feature introduced in Windows. These are not yet available in Windows
> +// SDK headers, so some names below are prefixed with "CLONE_" to avoid conflicts in the future. Once the prefixed declarations
> +// become available in the Windows SDK headers, the prefixed declarations below can be removed in favor of the SDK ones.
> +
> +//{
> +//
> +//};
> +//typedef BOOL (WINAPI *QueueUserAPC2Proc)(PAPCFUNC ApcRoutine, HANDLE Thread, ULONG_PTR Data, CLONE_QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS Flags);
> +//void c()
> +//{
> +//
> +// // See if QueueUserAPC2 exists
> +// QueueUserAPC2Proc pfnQueueUserAPC2Proc = (QueueUserAPC2Proc)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "QueueUserAPC2");
> +// if (pfnQueueUserAPC2Proc == nullptr)
> +// {
> +// abort();
> +// }
> +//
> +// // See if QueueUserAPC2 supports the special user-mode APC with a callback that includes the interrupted CONTEXT. A special
> +// // user-mode APC can interrupt a thread that is in user mode and not in a non-alertable wait.
> +// if (!(*pfnQueueUserAPC2Proc)(EmptyApcCallback, GetCurrentThread(), 0, SpecialUserModeApcWithContextFlags))
> +// {
> +// return;
> +// }
> +//
> +// return pfnQueueUserAPC2Proc;
> +//}
> +//
> +//static QueueUserAPC2Proc pfnQueueUserAPC2 = InitializeSpecialUserModeApc();
what's that big commented block for?
and win-something defines/includes - still needed?
> +
> +#else
> #include <netdb.h> // getservbyname, servent
> #endif
> #include "sql_audit.h"
> @@ -1353,6 +1399,107 @@ bool thd_is_connection_alive(THD *thd)
> return FALSE;
> }
> +#if !defined(_WIN32)
> +static void self_pipe_write();
> +#if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
> +class Thread_apc_context;
> +static thread_local Thread_apc_context *_THR_APC_CTX= NULL;
may be it should be part of THD (rather, Apc_target) or mysys_var?
that is, accessible as
the first one (in Apc_target) seems quite logical
> +#endif
> +
> +class Thread_apc_context
> +{
> +public:
> +#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
> + my_socket self_pipe[2]{};
> +#endif
> +
> + bool setup_thread_apc()
> + {
> +#if defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
> + struct sigaction act {};
> + act.sa_handler= [](int) -> void {self_pipe_write();};
why? it doesn't do anything, as far as I can see
> + act.sa_flags= 0;
> + int ret= sigaction(SIG_APC_NOTIFY, &act, NULL);
> + DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0);
> +
> + sigset_t signals;
> + ret|= sigemptyset(&signals);
> + DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0);
> + ret|= sigaddset(&signals, SIG_APC_NOTIFY);
> + DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0);
> +
> + ret|= pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signals, NULL);
> + DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0);
> +#else
> + // Self-pipe trick. Create a new pipe and store it thread-locally
> + // It can be accessed from Vio later. See also vio_io_wait()
> + // From the other end, it is accessed through a threadlocal
> + // _THR_APC_CTX, from a SIG_APC_NOTIFY signal handler.
> + int ret= pipe(self_pipe);
> +
> + struct sigaction act {};
> + act.sa_handler= [](int) -> void { self_pipe_write(); };
> + act.sa_flags= 0;
> + ret|= sigaction(SIG_APC_NOTIFY, &act, NULL);
why? you send a signal and convert it to a self-pipe write.
why not to write to the pipe in the first place?
which will send a signal or write to a pipe, as appropriate.
And TP_pool::wake() will call thd->apc_target->wake();
> + return ret == 0;
> +#endif
> + return true;
> + }
> + bool inited;
> + Thread_apc_context()
> + {
> + inited = setup_thread_apc();
> +#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
> + if (inited)
> + _THR_APC_CTX= this;
> +#endif
> + }
> +#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
> + ~Thread_apc_context()
> + {
> + closesocket(self_pipe[0]);
> + closesocket(self_pipe[1]);
> + }
> +#endif
> +};
> +
> +#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
> +static void self_pipe_write()
> +{
> + // No self-pipe is actually used. Instead, ppoll is used to wake up on signal.
> +}
> +#else
> +
> +my_socket threadlocal_get_self_pipe()
> +{
> + return _THR_APC_CTX ? _THR_APC_CTX->self_pipe[0] : 0;
> +}
> +
> +static void self_pipe_write()
> +{
> + DBUG_ASSERT(IF_WIN(0, pthread_self() == select_thread) || _THR_APC_CTX);
> + if (!_THR_APC_CTX)
> + return; // SIGUSR1 is used in thr_alarm, which can wake up main thread.
> + char buf[4]{};
> + send(_THR_APC_CTX->self_pipe[1], buf, sizeof buf, 0);
> +}
> +#endif
> +#endif /* !_WIN32 */
> +
> +bool thread_per_connection_notify_apc(THD *thd)
> +{
> +#ifdef WIN32
> + auto vio= thd->net.vio;
> + HANDLE h=
> + (vio->type == VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE) ? vio->hPipe : (HANDLE)vio->mysql_socket.fd;
> + return CancelIoEx(h, NULL);
> +#else
> + bool ret = pthread_kill(thd->mysys_var->pthread_self, SIG_APC_NOTIFY) == 0;
> + DBUG_ASSERT(ret || errno == EAGAIN);
> + return ret;
> +#endif
> +}
1. I'd prefer APC framework implementation to stay in not
being spread over three (?) different files.
2. how is it diferent from ::wake() ?
> void do_handle_one_connection(CONNECT *connect, bool put_in_cache)
> {
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index f72f46b3a6b..8f24bc9e4f7 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -320,6 +346,10 @@ static void threadpool_remove_connection(THD *thd)
> end_connection(thd);
> close_connection(thd, 0);
> unlink_thd(thd);
> + // The rest of APC requests should be processed after unlinking.
> + // This guarantees that no new APC requests can be added.
> + // TODO: better notify the requestor with some KILLED state here.
> + thd->apc_target.process_apc_requests();
not sure it guarantees much. One can find the thd before the unlink
and add a new request after the unlink. or is it impossible?
> PSI_CALL_delete_current_thread(); // before THD is destroyed
> delete thd;
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index 9777deb399a..a89d9c8bc19 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -47,11 +47,12 @@ void Apc_target::init(mysql_mutex_t *target_mutex)
> void Apc_target::enqueue_request(Call_request *qe)
> {
> mysql_mutex_assert_owner(LOCK_thd_kill_ptr);
> - if (apc_calls)
> + Call_request *old_apc_calls= apc_calls;
eh, what? you modify apc_calls without a lock somewhere?
> + if (old_apc_calls)
> {
> - Call_request *after= apc_calls->prev;
> - qe->next= apc_calls;
> - apc_calls->prev= qe;
> + Call_request *after= old_apc_calls->prev;
> + qe->next= old_apc_calls;
> + old_apc_calls->prev= qe;
> qe->prev= after;
> after->next= qe;
> @@ -100,89 +109,118 @@ void init_show_explain_psi_keys(void)
> if (PSI_server == NULL)
> return;
> - PSI_server->register_cond("sql", show_explain_psi_conds,
> - array_elements(show_explain_psi_conds));
> + PSI_server->register_cond("sql", apc_request_psi_conds,
> + array_elements(apc_request_psi_conds));
> + PSI_server->register_mutex("sql", apc_request_psi_locks,
> + array_elements(apc_request_psi_locks));
> }
> #endif
> -
> -/*
> - Make an APC (Async Procedure Call) to another thread.
> -
> - @detail
> - Make an APC call: schedule it for execution and wait until the target
> - thread has executed it.
> -
> - - The caller is responsible for making sure he's not posting request
> - to the thread he's calling this function from.
> -
> - - The caller must have locked target_mutex. The function will release it.
> -
> - @retval FALSE - Ok, the call has been made
> - @retval TRUE - Call wasnt made (either the target is in disabled state or
> - timeout occurred)
> -*/
> -
> -bool Apc_target::make_apc_call(THD *caller_thd, Apc_call *call,
> - int timeout_sec, bool *timed_out)
> +/**
> + Wait gracefully until the request is completed.
> + @retval 0 -- Success
> + @retval 1 -- Timeout
> + */
> +int Apc_target::wait_for_completion(THD *caller_thd, Call_request *apc_request,
> + int timeout_sec)
> {
> - bool res= TRUE;
> - *timed_out= FALSE;
> -
> - if (enabled)
> - {
> - /* Create and post the request */
> - Call_request apc_request;
> - call;
> - apc_request.processed= FALSE;
> - mysql_cond_init(key_show_explain_request_COND, &apc_request.COND_request,
> - NULL);
> - enqueue_request(&apc_request);
> - apc_request.what="enqueued by make_apc_call";
> -
> struct timespec abstime;
> const int timeout= timeout_sec;
> set_timespec(abstime, timeout);
> + DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("apc_timeout", set_timespec_nsec(abstime, 1000000););
> + int res = 1;
> int wait_res= 0;
> PSI_stage_info old_stage;
> - caller_thd->ENTER_COND(&apc_request.COND_request, LOCK_thd_kill_ptr,
> +
> + mysql_mutex_unlock(LOCK_thd_kill_ptr);
I don't understand how this works. After you release LOCK_thd_kill_ptr,
the THD might be destroyed. How do you detect that? By the wait timing out?
Who will destroy the Call_request?
> +
> + mysql_mutex_lock(&apc_request->LOCK_request);
> + caller_thd->ENTER_COND(&apc_request->COND_request, &apc_request->LOCK_request,
> &stage_show_explain, &old_stage);
> /* todo: how about processing other errors here? */
> - while (!apc_request.processed && (wait_res != ETIMEDOUT))
> + while (!apc_request->processed && (wait_res != ETIMEDOUT))
> {
> - /* We own LOCK_thd_kill_ptr */
> - wait_res= mysql_cond_timedwait(&apc_request.COND_request,
> - LOCK_thd_kill_ptr, &abstime);
> - // &apc_request.LOCK_request, &abstime);
> + wait_res= mysql_cond_timedwait(&apc_request->COND_request,
> + &apc_request->LOCK_request, &abstime);
> if (caller_thd->killed)
> break;
> +
> + if (caller_thd->apc_target.have_apc_requests())
> + {
> + mysql_mutex_unlock(&apc_request->LOCK_request);
> + caller_thd->apc_target.process_apc_requests();
> + mysql_mutex_lock(&apc_request->LOCK_request);
> + }
> }
> - if (!apc_request.processed)
> + if (!apc_request->processed)
> {
> /*
> The wait has timed out, or this thread was KILLed.
> - Remove the request from the queue (ok to do because we own
> - LOCK_thd_kill_ptr)
> + We can't delete it from the queue, because LOCK_thd_kill_ptr is already
> + released. It can't be reacquired because of the ordering with
> + apc_request->LOCK_request.
> + However, apc_request->processed is guarded by this lock.
> + Set processed= TRUE and transfer the ownership to the processor thread.
> + It should free the resources itself.
> + apc_request cannot be referred after unlock anymore in this case.
> */
> - apc_request.processed= TRUE;
> - dequeue_request(&apc_request);
> - *timed_out= TRUE;
> - res= TRUE;
> + apc_request->processed= TRUE;
> + res= 1;
> }
> else
> {
> /* Request was successfully executed and dequeued by the target thread */
> - res= FALSE;
> + res= 0;
> }
> - /*
> - exit_cond() will call mysql_mutex_unlock(LOCK_thd_kill_ptr) for us:
> - */
> +
> + /* EXIT_COND() will call mysql_mutex_unlock(LOCK_request) for us */
> caller_thd->EXIT_COND(&old_stage);
> - /* Destroy all APC request data */
> - mysql_cond_destroy(&apc_request.COND_request);
> + return res;
> +}
> +
> +/** Create and post the request */
> +void Apc_target::enqueue_request(Call_request *request_buff, Apc_call *call)
> +{
> + request_buff->call= call;
> + request_buff->processed= FALSE;
> + enqueue_request(request_buff);
> + request_buff->what="enqueued by make_apc_call";
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + Make an APC (Async Procedure Call) to another thread.
> +
> + @detail
> + Make an APC call: schedule it for execution and wait until the target
> + thread has executed it.
> +
> + - The caller is responsible for making sure he's not posting request
> + to the thread he's calling this function from.
> +
> + - The caller must have locked target_mutex. The function will release it.
> +
> + @retval FALSE - Ok, the call has been made
> + @retval TRUE - Call wasnt made (either the target is in disabled state or
> + timeout occurred)
> +*/
> +
> +bool Apc_target::make_apc_call(THD *caller_thd, Apc_call *call,
> + int timeout_sec, bool *timed_out)
> +{
> + bool res= TRUE;
> + *timed_out= FALSE;
> +
> + if (enabled)
> + {
> + Call_request *apc_request= new Call_request;
> + enqueue_request(apc_request, call);
> + res= wait_for_completion(caller_thd, apc_request, timeout_sec);
> + *timed_out= res;
> + if (!*timed_out)
> + delete apc_request;
> }
> else
> {
> diff --git a/storage/perfschema/ b/storage/perfschema/
> index 17b7dfc200c..698ff1eca6c 100644
> --- a/storage/perfschema/
> +++ b/storage/perfschema/
> @@ -164,7 +167,11 @@ int PFS_system_variable_cache::do_materialize_global(void)
> during materialization.
> */
> if (!m_external_init)
> + {
> + mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_plugin);
> init_show_var_array(OPT_GLOBAL, true);
> + mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_plugin);
1. why not move the locking inside init_show_var_array()?
2. init_show_var_array() locks LOCK_system_variables_hash - is that
not enough?
> + }
> /* Resolve the value for each SHOW_VAR in the array, add to cache. */
> for (SHOW_VAR *show_var= m_show_var_array.front();
> @@ -230,37 +236,26 @@ int PFS_system_variable_cache::do_materialize_all(THD *unsafe_thd)
> m_materialized= false;
> m_cache.clear();
> - /* Block plugins from unloading. */
> - mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_plugin_delete);
also please remove all references of LOCK_plugin_delete
> -
> /*
> Build array of SHOW_VARs from system variable hash. Do this within
> LOCK_plugin_delete to ensure that the hash table remains unchanged
> while this thread is materialized.
> */
> if (!m_external_init)
> + {
> + mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_plugin);
> init_show_var_array(OPT_SESSION, false);
> + mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_plugin);
> + }
> /* Get and lock a validated THD from the thread manager. */
> if ((m_safe_thd= get_THD(unsafe_thd)) != NULL)
> {
> DEBUG_SYNC(m_current_thd, "materialize_session_variable_array_THD_locked");
> - for (SHOW_VAR *show_var= m_show_var_array.front();
> - show_var->value && (show_var != m_show_var_array.end()); show_var++)
> - {
> - /* Resolve value, convert to text, add to cache. */
> - System_variable system_var(m_safe_thd, show_var, m_query_scope, false);
> - m_cache.push(system_var);
> - }
> -
> - /* Release lock taken in get_THD(). */
> - mysql_mutex_unlock(&m_safe_thd->LOCK_thd_data);
> + ret= make_call(&PFS_system_variable_cache::refresh_vars, 1);
> m_materialized= true;
> - ret= 0;
> }
> -
> - mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_plugin_delete);
> return ret;
> }
> @@ -312,6 +307,105 @@ void PFS_system_variable_cache::free_mem_root(void)
> }
> }
> }
> +class PFS_system_variable_cache_apc: public Apc_target::Apc_call
> +{
> +public:
> + typedef PFS_system_variable_cache::Request_func Request;
> + PFS_system_variable_cache_apc(PFS_system_variable_cache *pfs, Request func,
> + uint param)
> + : m_pfs(pfs), m_func(func), m_param(param) {}
> +private:
> + PFS_system_variable_cache *m_pfs;
> + Request m_func;
> + uint m_param;
> +
> + void call_in_target_thread() override
> + {
> + call(m_pfs, m_func, m_param);
> + }
> +public:
> + static void call(PFS_system_variable_cache *pfs, Request func, uint param)
> + {
> + THD *safe_thd= pfs->safe_thd();
> +
> + DBUG_ASSERT(pfs->query_scope() == OPT_SESSION);
> +
> + mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
> + if (!safe_thd->variables.dynamic_variables_ptr ||
> + global_system_variables.dynamic_variables_head >
> + safe_thd->variables.dynamic_variables_head)
> + {
> + mysql_prlock_rdlock(&LOCK_system_variables_hash);
> + sync_dynamic_session_variables(safe_thd, false);
> + mysql_prlock_unlock(&LOCK_system_variables_hash);
> + }
> + mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
> +
> + (pfs->*func)(param);
> + }
> +};
> +
> +void PFS_system_variable_cache::refresh_vars(uint all)
> +{
> + for (SHOW_VAR *show_var= m_show_var_array.front();
> + show_var->value && (show_var != m_show_var_array.end()); show_var++)
> + {
> + sys_var *value= (sys_var *)show_var->value;
> +
> + /* Match the system variable scope to the target scope. */
> + if (all || match_scope(value->scope()))
> + {
> + /* Resolve value, convert to text, add to cache. */
> + System_variable system_var(m_safe_thd, show_var, m_query_scope, false);
> + m_cache.push(system_var);
> + }
> + }
> +}
> +void PFS_system_variable_cache::refresh_one_var(uint index)
> +{
> + SHOW_VAR *show_var= &;
> +
> + if (show_var && show_var->value &&
> + (show_var != m_show_var_array.end()))
> + {
> + sys_var *value= (sys_var *)show_var->value;
> +
> + /* Match the system variable scope to the target scope. */
> + if (match_scope(value->scope()))
> + {
> + /* Resolve value, convert to text, add to cache. */
> + System_variable system_var(m_safe_thd, show_var, m_query_scope, false);
> + m_cache.push(system_var);
> + }
> + }
> +}
> +
> +
> +
> +int PFS_system_variable_cache::make_call(Request_func func, uint param)
> +{
> + int ret= 0;
> + THD *requestor_thd= m_current_thd;
> + if (requestor_thd == m_safe_thd)
> + {
> + mysql_mutex_unlock(&m_safe_thd->LOCK_thd_kill);
> + PFS_system_variable_cache_apc::call(this, func, param);
> + }
> + else
> + {
> + PFS_system_variable_cache_apc apc_call(this, func, param);
> + auto *request= new Apc_target::Call_request;
> + m_safe_thd->apc_target.enqueue_request(request, &apc_call);
> + m_safe_thd->abort_current_cond_wait(false, false);
> + m_safe_thd->scheduler->notify_apc(m_safe_thd);
> + DEBUG_SYNC(requestor_thd, "apc_after_notify");
> + ret= m_safe_thd->apc_target.wait_for_completion(requestor_thd, request, 10);
> + if (ret == 0)
> + delete request;
> + }
> + return ret;
> +}
> /**
> Build a SESSION system variable cache for a pfs_thread.
Chief Architect, MariaDB Server
and security(a)

Re: c46e7c5cb64: MDEV-12252 ROW data type for stored function return values
by Sergei Golubchik 05 Sep '24
by Sergei Golubchik 05 Sep '24
05 Sep '24
Hi, Alexander,
Looks good, thanks. Great commit comment too.
Just a few questions and test suggestions - see below.
Chief Architect, MariaDB Server
and security(a)
On Aug 23, Alexander Barkov wrote:
> revision-id: c46e7c5cb64 (mariadb-11.4.1-5-gc46e7c5cb64)
> parent(s): ae6684d79f4
> author: Alexander Barkov
> committer: Alexander Barkov
> timestamp: 2024-02-20 13:49:54 +0400
> message:
> MDEV-12252 ROW data type for stored function return values
> diff --git a/mysql-test/main/sp-anchor-row-type-table.test b/mysql-test/main/sp-anchor-row-type-table.test
> index 7123f9160db..2fbcfbffc1b 100644
> --- a/mysql-test/main/sp-anchor-row-type-table.test
> +++ b/mysql-test/main/sp-anchor-row-type-table.test
> @@ -939,3 +939,70 @@ DROP TABLE t1;
> --echo #
> --echo # End of 10.4 tests
> --echo #
> +
> +--echo #
> +--echo # Start of 11.3 tests
> +--echo #
> +
> +--echo #
> +--echo # MDEV-12252 ROW data type for stored function return values
> +--echo #
> +
> +--error ER_PARSE_ERROR
> +CREATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS ROW TYPE OF step1.step2.step3 RETURN ROW(1,2);
> +
you don't resolve t1 at CREATE FUNCTION time. why?
is it how TYPE OF works in DECLARE too?
> +--error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE
> +SELECT f1();
> +
> +--error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE
> +SELECT f1();
> +
> +
> +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b VARCHAR(32));
> + SELECT r.a, r.b;
> +END;
> +$$
> +
> +# Testing with no rows
> +CALL p1();
> +SELECT f1();
> +SELECT f1()=ROW(1,'b1') AS c;
> +
> +# Testing with one row
> +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'b1');
> +CALL p1();
> +SELECT f1();
> +SELECT f1()=ROW(1,'b1') AS c;
> +SELECT f1()=ROW(1,'') AS c;
> +SELECT f1()=ROW(2,'b1') AS c;
> +SELECT f1()=ROW(1,NULL) AS c;
> +SELECT f1()=ROW(NULL,'b1') AS c;
do one more SHOW CREATE FUNCTION here
> +
> +# Testing with two rows
> +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'b2');
> +--error ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW
> +CALL p1();
> +SELECT f1();
> +--error ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW
> +SELECT f1()=ROW(1,'b1') AS c;
> +
> diff --git a/mysql-test/main/sp-anchor-type.test b/mysql-test/main/sp-anchor-type.test
> index 0e24ef900d8..fed53fd011a 100644
> --- a/mysql-test/main/sp-anchor-type.test
> +++ b/mysql-test/main/sp-anchor-type.test
> @@ -767,3 +767,78 @@ BEGIN NOT ATOMIC
> END;
> $$
> +
> +
> +--echo #
> +--echo # Start of 11.3 tests
> +--echo #
> +
> +--echo #
> +--echo # MDEV-12252 ROW data type for stored function return values
> +--echo #
> +
> +--error ER_PARSE_ERROR
> +
> +--error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE
> +SELECT f1();
> +SELECT f1();
> +
> + RETURN (SELECT min(a) FROM t1);
> +END;
> +$$
> +--error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE
> +SELECT db1.f1();
> +CREATE TABLE db1.t1 (b TIME);
> +SELECT db1.f1();
> +DROP TABLE db1.t1;
> +CREATE TABLE db1.t1 (a TIME);
> +SELECT db1.f1();
> +INSERT INTO db1.t1 VALUES ('10:20:30');
> +SELECT db1.f1();
> +DROP TABLE db1.t1;
> +DROP FUNCTION db1.f1;
> +
> +SELECT f1();
> +
> + RETURN (SELECT min(a) FROM t1);
> +END;
> +$$
> +SELECT f1();
> +SELECT * FROM t2;
> +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('10:20:30');
> +SELECT f1();
> +SELECT * FROM t2;
please, also try here
the point is to change TYPE OF t1.a
after the function has been successfully called,
and thus is already in the sp cache.
> diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/compat/oracle/t/sp-package.test b/mysql-test/suite/compat/oracle/t/sp-package.test
> index aefede41c8b..7c231d736c5 100644
> --- a/mysql-test/suite/compat/oracle/t/sp-package.test
> +++ b/mysql-test/suite/compat/oracle/t/sp-package.test
> @@ -3109,3 +3109,79 @@ DROP TABLE t1;
> DROP FUNCTION f1_deterministic;
> DROP FUNCTION f2_not_deterministic;
> +
> +--echo #
> +--echo # MDEV-12252 ROW data type for stored function return values
> +--echo #
> +
> +--echo #
> +--echo # Testing fixed ROW type with package routines
> +--echo #
> +
> +AS
> + PROCEDURE p1(r ROW(a INT, b VARCHAR(32)));
> + PROCEDURE p2();
> +END;
> +$$
> +AS
> + RETURN ROW(1,'b1');
> + END;
> + PROCEDURE p1(r ROW(a INT, b VARCHAR(32))) AS
> + SELECT r.a, r.b;
> + END;
> + CALL p1(f1());
> + END;
> +END;
> +$$
> +CALL pkg.p1(pkg.f1());
> +CALL pkg.p2;
> +
> +
> +--echo #
> +--echo # Testing table%ROWTYPE with package routines
> +--echo #
now you can also add package tests outside of oracle mode
> +
> +CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b VARCHAR(32));
> +INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'b1');
> +AS
> +END;
> +/
> +AS
> + r t1%ROWTYPE;
> + SELECT * INTO r FROM t1;
> + RETURN r;
> + END;
> + SELECT r.a || ' ' || r.b;
> + END;
> + p1(f1());
> + END;
> +END;
> +/
> +CALL pkg.p1(pkg.f1());
> +CALL pkg.p2;
> diff --git a/sql/field.h b/sql/field.h
> index 7f1c243a180..7af069a9735 100644
> --- a/sql/field.h
> +++ b/sql/field.h
> @@ -1373,6 +1374,20 @@ class Field: public Value_source
> in str and restore it with set() if needed
> */
> virtual void sql_type(String &str) const =0;
> + void sql_type_for_sp_returns(String &str) const
This is oddly specific. Strange that we don't need to print the field
type with charset/collation anywhere else, but for sp returns we do.
> + {
> + sql_type(str);
> + if (has_charset())
> + {
> + str.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" CHARSET "));
> + str.append(charset()->cs_name);
> + if (Charset(charset()).can_have_collate_clause())
> + {
> + str.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" COLLATE "));
> + str.append(charset()->coll_name);
> + }
> + }
> + }
> virtual void sql_rpl_type(String *str) const { sql_type(*str); }
> virtual uint size_of() const =0; // For new field
> inline bool is_null(my_ptrdiff_t row_offset= 0) const
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index 35be045620d..23b050de221 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -2768,6 +2768,32 @@ bool Field_row::sp_prepare_and_store_item(THD *thd, Item **value)
> }
> +uint Field_row::cols() const
> +{
> + // The table with ROW members must be already instantiated
> + DBUG_ASSERT(m_table);
> + return m_table->s->fields;
> +}
> +
> +
> +void Field_row::sql_type(String &res) const
would be more logical to call this Field_row::sql_type_for_sp_returns()
> +{
> + res.set_ascii(STRING_WITH_LEN("row("));
> + for (uint i= 0; i < m_table->s->fields; i++)
> + {
> + if (i > 0)
> + res.append(',');
> + Field *field= m_table->field[i];
> + res.append(field->field_name);
> + res.append(' ');
> + StringBuffer<64> col;
> + field->sql_type_for_sp_returns(col);
> + res.append(col.to_lex_cstring());
> + }
> + res.append(')');
> +}
> +
> +
> /****************************************************************************
> Functions for the Field_decimal class
> This is an number stored as a pre-space (or pre-zero) string
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index 54ad511cb6b..0a125752979 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -3001,10 +3003,31 @@ Item_sp::init_result_field(THD *thd, uint max_length, uint maybe_null,
> dummy_table->s->table_name= empty_clex_str;
> dummy_table->maybe_null= maybe_null;
> + if (m_sp->m_return_field_def.is_column_type_ref() &&
> + m_sp->m_return_field_def.column_type_ref()->
> + resolve_type_ref(thd, &m_sp->m_return_field_def))
Here you overwrite old m_return_field_def value which was a column_type_ref
with its actual type, don't you?
What will happen if you change the column's type
after the sp was already executed once?
> +
> if (!(sp_result_field= m_sp->create_result_field(max_length, name,
> dummy_table)))
> + /*
> + In case of a ROW return type we need to create Item_field_row
> + on top of Field_row, and remember it in sp_result_item_field_row.
> + ROW members are later accessed using sp_result_item_field_row->addr(i),
> + e.g. when copying the function return value to a local variable.
> + For scalar return types no Item_field is needed around sp_result_field,
> + as the value is fetched directly from sp_result_field,
> + inside Item_func_sp::val_xxx() methods.
Sorry, I don't understand that. Why cannot you use Field_row here?
> + */
> + if (Field_row *field_row= dynamic_cast<Field_row*>(sp_result_field))
> + {
> + if (!(sp_result_item_field_row=
> + m_sp->m_return_field_def.make_item_field_row(thd, field_row)))
> + DBUG_RETURN(true);
> + }
> +
> if (sp_result_field->pack_length() > sizeof(result_buf))
> {
> void *tmp;
> diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
> index ddaeeb8cb7a..7eab8304c31 100644
> --- a/sql/
> +++ b/sql/
> @@ -1091,18 +1136,19 @@ sp_returns_type(THD *thd, String &result, const sp_head *sp)
> bzero((char*) &share, sizeof(share));
> table.in_use= thd;
> table.s = &share;
> - field= sp->create_result_field(0, 0, &table);
> - field->sql_type(result);
> + field= create_result_field(0, 0, &table);
> - if (field->has_charset())
> + if (m_return_field_def.is_row())
> {
> - result.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" CHARSET "));
> - result.append(field->charset()->cs_name);
> - if (Charset(field->charset()).can_have_collate_clause())
> - {
> - result.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" COLLATE "));
> - result.append(field->charset()->coll_name);
> - }
> + Field_row *field_row= dynamic_cast<Field_row*>(field);
> + if (!field_row->row_create_fields(
> + thd, m_return_field_def.row_field_definitions()))
> + field->sql_type(result);
when is this used? you're creating a TABLE and Field's -
only to print types and charsets. This might be tolerable, but only if it's
not needed often
> + }
> + else
> + {
> + DBUG_ASSERT(m_return_field_def.type_handler()->is_scalar_type());
> + field->sql_type_for_sp_returns(result);
> }
> delete field;
> diff --git a/sql/sql_yacc.yy b/sql/sql_yacc.yy
> index 5977e309ae4..f11e4f89466 100644
> --- a/sql/sql_yacc.yy
> +++ b/sql/sql_yacc.yy
> @@ -18347,7 +18338,50 @@ sp_parameters:
> ;
> sf_returned_type_clause:
> - RETURNS_SYM sf_return_type
> + {
> + LEX *lex= Lex;
you still do this lex=Lex? :)
it became obsolete, like, 15 years ago. If not more.
> + lex->init_last_field(&lex->sphead->m_return_field_def,
> + &empty_clex_str);
> + }
> + sf_return_type
> + ;
> +
> +sf_return_type:
> + field_type
> + {
> + if (unlikely(Lex->sf_return_fill_definition($1)))
> + }
> + | ROW_SYM row_type_body
> + {
> + if (Lex->sf_return_fill_definition_row($2))
> + }
> + {
> + if (Lex->sf_return_fill_definition_rowtype_of(
> + Qualified_column_ident(&$4)))
> + }
> + | ROW_SYM TYPE_SYM OF_SYM ident '.' ident
> + {
> + if (Lex->sf_return_fill_definition_rowtype_of(
> + Qualified_column_ident(&$4, &$6)))
> + }
> + | TYPE_SYM OF_SYM ident '.' ident
> + {
> + if (Lex->sf_return_fill_definition_type_of(
> + Qualified_column_ident(&$3, &$5)))
> + }
> + | TYPE_SYM OF_SYM ident '.' ident '.' ident
> + {
> + if (Lex->sf_return_fill_definition_type_of(
> + Qualified_column_ident(thd, &$3, &$5, &$7)))
> + }
> ;
> package_implementation_item_declaration: