Upcoming conferences and what's happening in development

Hi! I have not been using this email list lately, but it's time to change that (but still keeping things at a very low volume). I will now start post the most important things that is happening in MariaDB community here so that people can easily follow what is going on. Upcoming conferences we are attending: Next Wednesday, February 16'th, I will give a talk at Garum day in Bilbao, Spain about MariaDB and open source entrepreneurship. I will arrive to Bilbao on mid day of February 15'th. If you want to meet with me during this time, feel free to drop me a line! See http://garumfundatio.org/dia-garum-europa-2011 for details. Other uppcoming conferences: SCaLE - February 25-27, 2011 - Los Angeles, CA http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale9x/ DrupalCon - March 7-10, 2011 - Chicago, IL http://chicago2011.drupal.org/ MySQL Conference April 11-14, 2011 in Santa Clara, CA, USA. Monty Program has submitted talks. http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon2011 LinuxCon Japan - June 1-3, 2011 - Yokohama, Japan Monty Program has submitted talks. http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-japan We are also searching for volunteers for MariaDB boot duty / holding MariaDB talks at conferences. If you are interested, please contact us at community@askmonty.org. What's happening in development: - We are just now merging MySQL 5.1.55 with MariaDB 5.1 and plan to release MariaDB 5.1.55 and MariaDB 5.2.5 during the next few days. - We just merged in the newest FederatedX code, that has initial support for partition tables. This is merged into 5.1 as it also includes a critical bug fix that is needed into 5.1. (lp:585688) - We will soon release a new Windows installer for MariaDB; Most of the code is written, we just have do so dome final testing and code reviews on it before releasing it. - In MariaDB 5.3 Sergei is adding support for sub seconds (6 decimals). As soon as this work is ready we will do a new alpha release of 5.3. - 5.3 is close to a beta; We have a couple of optimization patches that needs to get in, support for dynamic columns, handler sockets and the new faster HANDLER support before we can call it beta. See http://kb.askmonty.org/v/what-is-mariadb-53 - Merge of MariaDB 5.3 + MySQL 5.5 -> MariaDB 5.5 is on the way. We should have a tree available within a couple of weeks. - It's still not clear which will be our next stable release ; MariaDB 5.3 or MariaDB 5.5. This will be decided after Sergei is done with the 5.5 merge and can give us a report of what he thinks about the stability of the 5.5 code. If you want to discuss any of the above, please do it on maria-discuss@list.launchpad.org. Regards, Monty
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