The MariaDB project would like to announce the availability of MariaDB 5.3.0 Beta, the latest addition to our growing lineup of supported software. MariaDB 5.3.0 beta includes all features in MariaDB 5.2 and is based on MySQL 5.1. Some highlights of new features include: - subquery optimizations that finally make subqueries usable - many optimizer changes, including Classic Hash Join, Batched Key Access, a new implementation of Multi-Range-Read optimizations as well as Index Condition Pushdown - NoSQL-style interfaces via the HandlerSocket plugin as well as dynamic columns - group commit in XtraDB when the binary log is enabled - Microsoft Windows performance improvements These are just some of the highlights, and for a full list of changes, please read the What is MariaDB 5.3 page: http://kb.askmonty.org/en/what-is-mariadb-53 A complete changelog is available from: http://kb.askmonty.org/en/mariadb-530-changelog Sources, binaries and packages can be downloaded from: http://downloads.askmonty.org/mariadb/5.3/ Debian and Ubuntu packages are available from repositories. A sources.list generator can be found at: http://downloads.askmonty.org/mariadb/repositories/ The project always strives for quality, and being a beta release, we know that not everything can be perfect. Please take some time to report any issues you may encounter at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maria Enjoy MariaDB 5.3.0 Beta & Happy Testing! -- Colin Charles, http://bytebot.net/blog/ | twitter: @bytebot | skype: colincharles MariaDB: Community developed. Feature enhanced. Backward compatible. Download it at: http://www.mariadb.org/ Open MariaDB/MySQL documentation at the Knowledgebase: http://kb.askmonty.org/